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(Y/N) sat up in the her bed and rubbed her eyes. Yawning, she rolled off of the mattress, feeling the freezing cold, marble floor underneath her bare feet. She shivered, slipping on a pair of fuzzy, blue socks.

As she put on her matching robe, there was a soft knock on the door. At this point, she knew the difference between Paperjam and Error. Error's knocks were loud and hard against the wooden door, while Paperjam barely tapped on the door with his fists. (Y/N) decided to be silly with him.

"What's the password?" She yelled. There was a cute, childish giggle on the other side.

"Um...pistachios?" he said.

(Y/N) went to the door and opened it enough to see his face staring back at her. "Close enough."

Paperjam ran through the door, hugging her leg excitedly. "Did you sleep well, Jammy?"

"Kinda. After you left last night, I went back to my room and slept all by myself!" he said, doing jazz hands. A big grin was plastered on his face. (Y/N) giggled to herself. Adorable things made her laugh.

"That's great! Did you have any more nightmares?"


"Good." (Y/N) and Paperjam talked back and forth with each other for a while, sitting out on the balcony and watching the early morning sun. Paperjam held up Mr. Snuggles and made him dance around on the railing. Suddenly, they heard someone coming through the door.

(Let's play the guessing game! Who came through the door? Is it:

A. Ink

B. Error

C. Dream

D. None of the above

Let's find out.)

They watched as Error slid into the room (Like a sthlippery litthle sthnake). Paperjam lit up with excitement as he ran to go hug his dad. He jumped into Error's open arms, wrapping his arms around him.

"Daddy! I had a nightmare last night!" He said, tearing away from the hug. Error frowned.

"Is that so?" he said.

"Yeah! But I felt better when Miss (Y/N) told everything was going to be okay and that she would keep me safe if Mr. Snuggles ever tried to eat me!"

Error chuckled. "Why would Mr. Snuggles try to eat you?"

"I don't know," Paperjam said, holding the black bunny in Error's face. "You ask him."

"Okay," he said. He looked the stuffed rabbit in the eye. "Mr. Snuggles, why would you eat my son?"

He took the toy from his son's hands and put it's face up to the side of his head, like he was listening for something.

"Oh. Yes, I see," he murmured.

"What did he say?" asked Paperjam.

Error smiled. "He said he would never do anything to hurt you, and that your his best friend. You wouldn't your best friend, would you?"

Paperjam shook his head. "No! I would never hurt Mr. Killer. That would be mean, and if I did, he may never play with me again."

Error froze up. He forgot that Paperjam didn't know about what happened to Killer. He and Fell were looking for Ink and Dream in nearby forest, and Ink had decapitated him. Error tapped his chin, thinking about whether he should tell his son or not. He ultimately decided against it.

"That's right, kiddo!" he said, wearing a fake, nervous smile. (Y/N) studied his face, realizing something was up. She wanted to ask, but waited until Paperjam was out of sight. And soon enough, he had left to go help Dust in the kitchen when he found out he was making waffles for breakfast.

(Y/N) smirked. "Alright, what happened to him?"


"Killer. You weren't fooling anyone with that fake smile."

Error crossed his arms. "If you must know, your 'hero' decapitated him while they were wandering in a forest last night."

(Y/N) furrowed her brows. "You're lying. Ink wouldn't murder someone."

"That's where your wrong. Fell told me the entire story."

"I don't believe you."

"It's up to you whether or not you believe me. At least I know for a fact that it happened. Soon you'll realize I was telling the truth when you don't see Killer walking around the castle with Jammy."

(Y/N) put her hands on her hips. "Okay, whatever. But I hope you don't think that that simple little fact will change my mind. I still want to leave."

Error mocked her, putting his hands on hips like her.

"Well, I hope you don't think just because you want to leave doesn't mean you actually will," he said in a high-pitched voice, mimicking her attitude and tone. (Y/N) snickered.

"Now you're just being ridiculous," she said, shoving him playfully. Error smiled. This was the first moment between them where she wasn't crying or nearly crying.

(Y/N) started giggling, seeing the goofy grin on his face. Suddenly, Paperjam ran back into the room, covered in dough.

"Dad! Dad! The kitchen is on fire!" he yelled. "Dust needs backup!"

Sweat drops formed on Error's head. "I've got this."

Error bolted out of the room, running towards the kitchen. (Y/N) put a hand over her mouth, looking at the globs of batter stuck to Paperjam's skull.

"Jammy, you look like a mess! Come into the bathroom, I'll get that stuff off of you in no time."



Ink Sans  X Reader X Error Sans ((MARIO AU))Where stories live. Discover now