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     The princess sat in her room, staring back at her reflection in the vanity mirror. This was it. Ink and Dream weren't there, and the wedding was less than an hour away. She was in her wedding gown. The skirt was wide and ruffley, as white as a polar bear in a snowstorm. The bodice went off the shoulders, with long, translucent sleeves covering her arms. Her wedding veil was connected to her tiara, cascading down her back. Her hair was curled to perfection, being let down.

     She felt tears welling up in the corners of her eyes, threatening to fall down her cheeks. Suddenly, without control, she started to sob. Her head fell into her arms in the desk, and she started shaking with despair. (Y/N) felt hopeless. Maybe Ink and Dream were killed by that Fresh guy that Error said he sent out to trap them. 


     Meanwhile in the dungeon, Fresh, Ink and Dream were finalizing their plan. That was, until Error showed up again and they all had to keep quiet. He walked up to the brothers' cell, still tying his tie. 

     "Well, the wedding's finally here. It's a good thing I caught you in time. After all, it's rude to show up at a wedding uninvited," said Error.

     "Why are you forcing this poor girl to marry you? You know she doesn't love you, and you're going to live a boring life with each other because of that," Ink spat back.

     "Do you think I give a damn about her happiness? It's her choice whether she chooses to love me or not, but she is going to marry me either way."

     "You're disgusting."

     "Thank you."

     Dream sat in the corner of the cell, rocking back and forth and trembling in fear. Error noticed this, making him smirk.

     "You're brother is obviously the smarter one. At least he knows when he should be scared. Well, it was nice meeting you, Paint. But I have a wedding with the most beautiful girl in the world and I'd hate to miss it."

     Error walked off, laughing maniacally. His evil cackle bounced off the stone walls, making Ink shiver. 

     "Fresh, let us out now. It's time."


     (Y/N) was getting ready to walk down the aisle with Error. She was adjusting her tiara on her head, pulling up her dress, and smoothing out her skirt. She was shuddering with anxiety, just praying Ink would show up at the last second. Error noticed this, and decided to break the silence. 

     "You look ravishing, dear," he said, smirking. The princess just nodded, still looking around for her last hope. This made Error frown, but before he could make a comment about it, the wedding music started to play, signaling them to start walking down together. 

     Everyone stood, watching them in awe. (Y/N) looked around finding familiar faces. Sci was there, looking back at her in disappointment. Blue was still dawning his suit of armour, mouthing 'I'm sorry' to the princess. She nodded, whispering back 'I'll be okay'. But, she wasn't okay. She was actually starting to feel agony crawling up her back, digging into her flesh like a parasite.

     The minster stood up front, holding a book in his hand. He started talking about holy matrimony and all of the normal wedding shenanigans.


     Ink, Dream and Fresh dashed down the halls. The loud, ringing sounds of an organ filled the castle, making them panic.

     "No! We need to hurry!" shouted Dream fearfully. They all ran faster, until they finally made it to the door leading into the throne room, where the wedding was being held. Ink was about to push through the doors, before Fresh stopped him.

Ink Sans  X Reader X Error Sans ((MARIO AU))Where stories live. Discover now