Potential energy part 1

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Barry's PoV

Where is she We're going to be late. I shout up the stairs "Bethany!" There is no reply. I sigh in frustration and stomp up the stairs "Bethany!!" Still there is no reply. I stomp into her room "Bethany Nora Allen get up! We have to go to Star Labs." All I get Is a groan. I walk up to her bed and throw her covers away. Bethany is shivering ferociously. Why is she shivering it's not cold in here if anything this is pretty warm actually. I place a hand on her arm trying to shake her awake. I immediately pull my hand away as I can feel the heat radiating off of her. I touch her forehead and then her cheek both are terrifying hot. "Joe!" I shout. Him and Iris dash up the stairs. "Barry what is it?" Iris asks with concern. "Bethany has a raging fever!" I say with worry. They both skake there heads in denial. "Barry she can't get sick her cells or something like that move to quickly." "feel her head!" he does and like me he pulls it away. He looks at me with the same worried expression I have. She shouldn't be able to get sick. What's going on? "we have to get her to Star Labs now!" Iris yells. I pick her up bridal style, she struggles for a moment as if she's falling. I hold on tighter reassuring her. "easy there" I whisper. I run to star labs.

I arrive at Star Labs. "Hey Barry" Cisco looks up and sees Bethany "what happened." he rushes over. "no time to talk wheres Caitlin?" she runs into the "I'm here what's wrong with Bethany" "I'm not entirely sure I went to wake her up but she was shivering and she has a terribul fever." "Barry she can't get sick." "I said the same thing but feel her head" Joe arrives. Caitlin does and her eyes widen in fear. "lay her down now!" she instructs. I do as she says. "now stand back" "what are you going to do?" I ask. "I'm going to run tests." "can you bring her fever down?" I worry. "I can try but look at the monitor her vitals are dangerously low."

A few hours later.
Jay's Pov:

I walk into the Star labs MedBay and look at Bethany, who is sedated wearing an oxygen mask. I smirk. "Sorry about that bomb Bethany I had to tweak the bomb slightly so you couldn't mess with any of my plans. You're the only one who doesn't trust me and it would be bad for me if the others started to not trust me." she looks so helpless and its quite amusing actually. I've slowed down her cell regeneration meaning she can get sick. And from there I put a strand of a deadly virus I created in her hot-chocolate on Christmas. It won't kill her cells will soon go back to there natural state and the virus will be killed off by her body but for now, she's out of the way. Her doppelganger is so much more loyal to me. Just you wait, Bethany, she'll enjoy killing you after I've taken your speed of course.

"Jay shouldn't you be getting ready to go track down the turtle from the art show," Caitlin says entering a room wearing a stunning blue dress. She's so beautiful. "yeah just checking on Bethany." I lie. "yeah I hope she'll be okay while we are tracking down the turtle," she says softly as she places a hand on Bethany's forehead. Caitlin shakes her head. "still no better" she sounds upset about that. Caitlin and Bethany on this earth have a similar relationship to Killer frost and Bethany's doppelganger I've noticed.

(sorry I haven't updated in a while I intend to a lot more now that my tests are over)

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