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Hello my dear readers thank u all for ur support 😄. I'm happy u liked the start I will continue where I stopped 😊.

Ragini was sitting in front of Laksh. Laksh was mesmerized he couldn't thought to be lost in her beauty. He saw her look which was hidden behind a veil he prejudge her without knowing her. Know he his lost in her beauty but what kind of love is this?

AP; Ragini... Ragini looked up. DP n AP both were glad to see her n her gud manners. Then from nowhere another girl enters the house she was wearing modern clothes.

DP n AP were irritated

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DP n AP were irritated. Jaanki n Daadi were ashamed. Ragini n Shekhar looked down while Laksh was staring her.

Laksh - wow Who is she? -. Daadi; stood up. Swara! what r u doing here? Today laddoos alliance is going to be fixed. DP; please maaji it's ok. Who r u Beta? Swara smirked her eyes were evil. She turns to DP.

Swara waved with her hand. Hi my name is Swara... AP; Swara...? she waits for a moment. Swara; My full name is Swara Gadodia. DP n AP were confused. DP; Shekhar ji as far as I know u just have one daughter Ragini  then who's daughter is she? No one said a word. Swara; well Uncle. She sits next to Shekhar. He is my father. Daadi; stop lying.

The Maheshwari were shocked. DP stood up. Hie is this possible u said Ragini is ur only child y she blames u to be her father?. Daadi; DP ji please she is a liar. She was in tears. Her mother Shamistra suddenly appear n blamed my son. But it is all a lie. AP; but... Jaanki; please whatever is happening Ragini has nothing to do with it. Jaanki was pleading. AP goes to her. I have nothing against Ragini but this is a big thing u hide. Our name, fame n reputation is all connected with one wrong decision all can get destroyed.

DP plead. I'm sorry Shekhar ji but we can't make this relationship. Ragini was heartbroken. Laksh gulps. Dad?. DP looked at Laksh. AP; DP ji Ragini is perfect. Swara; what?. Aunty u r a high class woman. Ur family is very famous n u want a girl like her? How will she suit u?.

Laksh was surprised the way Swara talked the attitude n arrogance in her words were a pain for him. He never imagine that a woman could talk like this abt another woman who was present at the same room. Laksh felt disgusted.

Jaanki; Swara!. First ur mother ruined my life now u r trying to ruin my daughters life. I don't let that happen. Swara; oh please. U r just the named wife of baba but the real love/wife is my mom no one can take her place. Shekhar was watching this silently. Daadi; Swara y r u doing this? Ragini was hiding her face behind her hands. Laksh heard her sniff.

Laksh felt bad very bad he took out his hanky n forwarded to Ragini. AP n DP were witnissing this act. Ragini took the hanky in tears. Thank u a very low voice filled with love n innocent.

The arguing was going on. Ragini was scared she was shaking. She was always the weak one. Her daadi cared  for her n fight with everyone gor her right. Jaanki too cares for her n never let her fight being a girl it is not a gud manner to fight with men or women. Shekhar never cares for her. He was more concern on Swara n Sumi. He spend more time on Swaras birthday than on hers. Whenever a fight happens it is her who frighten whatever happens it harms her.

Laksh couldn't bear it his eyes were filled with tears. DP; watch this all.
Bas {Enough}!. I know it is a family matter but... Please just take a look on that poor girl. Jaanki; Ragini! She hugs her tightly. No my child. Everything will be fine. Ragini hugs her mother n cried on her shoulder.

AP; Maaji We r leaving now but... she looks at DP. Who nods in agreement. We will comeback with a bharaat {wedding people} to take our new DIL Ragini with us. Ragini looked up in surprise. AP took off her bangles. Ragini please give me ur hands. Ragini hestiat but then she stretched her hands forward to AP who make her wear the ancient bangels. AP; keep them as a shagun {pre wedding gift}.

Laksh face changed his sadness disappear n a smile was formed by him. Shekhar; DP ji thank u. DP; Shekhar ji I don't know abt ur family past but it is better to clear this mess.

Swara; wait u r taking her. I mean u r accepting her as ur DIL, y?. She has nothing. DP stops her 🤚. Enough Swara I'm not talking to u. I'm talking to Shekhar ji n if olders talk the younger have to be quiet. Didn't ur mother teach any kind of manners?. He looked at her in anger n hus tone was harsh. Swara was burning in anger. Baba u can't accept this alliance. Jaanki; Swara! u r not a member of this family. Swara; I am. Daadi; no u r not....

Sumi; enters well she was watching this all from back. Swara is older than Ragini u can't make the younger one marry first. AP; who r u?. Swara; this is my mother. Babas love. I am their love child nit like Ragini a mistake. Ragini runs away again Shekhar kept quiet. AP n DP were both angry.

Laksh burst out. U...! All looked at him. He snips with his fingers. U what was ur name... Swara u call urself a Love child n her a mistake. Don't forget that she is the one with name of a father not like u an illgimate child who can't be trusted. Swara; U!. Laksh; oh madam I'm nit finished yet! He yells at her. I will comeback for her n if I get to know u have harmed her physically or misbehave with her u will be punished. AP n DP were feeling very proud. Swara wants to say but Shekhar stops her.

Daadi; please come asap n take ger with u. My laddo is such a pure soul she is the perfect wife n DIL. AP; tell her we will come soon.

Ragini was in her room when she remembers the hanky in her hand she wants to come out but she hears the sound of a car leaving...

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