Swara new plan

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Hi thx alot for ur response positive to the story 😊.

Recap; Laksh was as innocent as possible still he stole light lime 😀. Ragini n Laksh shared some private moment. Swara is back.

DP heard the sound of his mobile. AP; Don't. U can answer in the morning. DP; it could be important. AP; do what u want. I can't stop u. DP n checked his mobile wearing his glasses he read the message Swara is Back. DP; what?. AP heard the tension in DPs voice. She turns to him to see his angry yet shocked face.

AP; What happen? y r u looking so tensed?. DP; look Swara is back. She wants to take revenge from Ragini n Laksh. AP; but she was arrested how she come out? DP; on bail... DP stood up. AP; where r u going?. DP; Laksh needs to know. AP; I'm coming too. Both walked to RagLak room to see them sleeping peacefully in each others embrance.

AP; I don't want to wake them to give them a bad news. Let's tell them in the morning. AP walked to them n covered them rightly. AP - I pray that no evil comes to ur relationship u always stay together as strong as possible -.

Ragini smiled n her sleep she touched APs hand coincidentally. AP smiled looking at her she gave both a kiss on each forehead n left.

Swara was in her room. Sumi; Swara what r u going to do now? U know Shekhar won't let u harm Ragini he changed he even scold me on any small issue's I could easily blame Jaanki for but now he keeps an eye om my doings. Swara; maa u don't worry soon I will creat a rift between Ragini n Laksh he is mine. Sumi; I don't know but my heart says u will fail. Swara; Maa. She was shocked to hear that. How can u say this? n that to, to me ur own daughter that I Swara Gadodia will fail. I will never fail to separate them... Let's see 😉.

Ragini woke up early in the morning on her surprise the bed was empty 😮😮😮. Laksh was awake n sitting on his desk having his mobile in hus hands in which he looks angry n murmurs to himself. Ragini yawns n stretched the way she did mesmerized Laksh he forgot his anger n was lost in his half awake half sleepy beautiful wife.

Ragini felt his glare n blushes. With a smile she stood up but Laksh was fast he blocked her way n teased her. Ragini; Laksh ji I have to go. Laksh; ok go. Ragini looked at him irritated. Move aside. Laksh; no way u wanted to go make ur way. Ragini open mouth. Laksh slowly lift her chin to close her mouth which he sealed with a wet kiss. Ragini loved it his mischief behaviour is totally different from her behaviour she the sweet innocent beauty n he the naughty handsome hunk. To opposite but with much love n respect.

While kissing she put her habds around his neck n stroke it with her nails he got a shiver n Ragini bites him hus naughtyness comes over her she turns him while he was concentrating his focus on the kiss. She pushed him n had made her way to the washroom. Laksh; Oh my Gosh what was this?. Meri billi Mujhe hi kath behti {my cat hits me}. She tricked me... Me Lakshya Maheshwari  the troublemaker trickster gambler goes fooled by his own cute innocent wife that means revenge 😁.

He walked to the washroom he knows its open Ragini left it open bcz she is scared of locked rooms. Je enters the washroom n took off his clothes. He back hugs her she got a shiver n he starts to kiss her neck.

The rest of the family was sitting at the dining table. Sanskaar; how is this  possible r u really sure is out of jail?. DP; I called the police station eho arrested her n they confirmed me she is out on bail. Ragini heard her legs stops moving but Laksh hold her hand. Mera baacha I told u as long as I am with u nothing can harm u. Not even that witch Swara. AP looked at them.

Adarsh n Pari; Ragini u don't worry we r all here for ur support. Whatever that Swara has planned will go all in vain. Kavitha; they r right! U don't be scared they strong. Ragini nod holding Laksh habd even tighter than before.

They all eat n the doorbell rings. AP opens thr door n was shocked to see Swara.

AP; what r u doing here? U r not welcomed. Swara; oh hold on. She turns a lawyer come in front. Lawyer; this is a stay order. Miss Swara Gadodia has a right to stay in this house. DP; who r u n what r u saying? Lawyer; I am the lawyer of Miss Swara Gadodia she was sitting on the mandap u destroyed her life as per court she will life her. DP; we haven't destroyed her life she did it on her own. She took the place of our DIL n tried to kill her. Lawyer; I don't know.

Laksh; she won't stay here she has no rights. Swara comes n hugs Laksh. But Laksh pushes her away. Ragini comes between them. Swara; Laksh... don't u know she manipulated u. With her innocent face. Laksh; shut up!. U... he raised his hand. The lawyer; Mr. Laksh Maheshwari don't do anything like this or else I have to call thr police for domestic violence...

Alll were speechless n helpless Swara got a legal way to stay...

Please comment n vote. Tell me if u like thr twist 😊.
Watch rishte likhenge nahi hum 😊

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