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Recap; Swara tries to break the alliance but Raginis innocent n purity didn't let it happen. Laksh was lost in her n ignores Swara.

Ragini was in her bedroom looking at the hanky she got from Laksh. Ragini blushed she felt his present.

Ragini - Laksh ji soon I will become ur bride. I promise to u I won't give u pain or a moment to complain. I will be completely urs no one will be able to break our relation. I won't let that happen -.

Ragini was in Love she looked at the ancient bangels she got as a wedding gift from her to be MIL. - Maa I will be the bride n honour of ur house ur respect is my shine. Ur rules r my path to follow. Ur love is my aim. Ur trust is my pride -.

Swara was in her room burning in jealousy. Sumi; Shona don't be that angry... I will talk to ur father. How can he made a alliance for his younger daughter when hus other daughter is still unmarried. Swara; mom that is not the problem. My problem is that they insulted me n no one said a word. I'm called yo be his illgimate child bcz he hasn't give me his name yet. Sumi; Shona it is all bcz of his mother n wife. Swara; mom I will destroy Raginis marriage that is a oath I take on ur name. Sumi; Shona... both smirked.

Jaanki was preparing the food when Sumi enters the kitchen. They have devided the kitchen 2 parts. Sumi; r u happy..? with arrogance. Jaanki; what u mean?. With pure innocent. Sumi; first u snatched Shekhar from me n now u r going over my daughter. She is the older daughter of this house it is her right to marry first. Jaanki; then go n find a suitable man for ur spoiled brat.

Shekhar hears it but always in the wrong way. Jaanki how dare u to talk abt Swara like that. Jaanki; Shekhar...?! Sumi with fake tears. U see Shekhar they do that all the time when u r not present. Shekhar took Sumi n went with her. Jaanki fall on the kitchen floor. Ragini saw that all n runs to her.

Ragini took Jaanki in her bedroom. Maa don't lose hope someday everything will be changed n Papa will see their true face. Jaanki; Ragini! my child promise me u will fight n won't be weak like me. Ragini; maa?. Jaanki; if I had fought for my marriage life this Sumi never would have entered the house. But I was weak too weak u jave to promise me that u will fight n won't let cone anyone between u n Laksh. Ragini; maa I promise I will fight!.

Laksh was in his bedroom thinking of Ragini. Her innocent has been captured by him. He closes his eyes n sees her then he starts getting angry seeing he made a fist. He saw Swara who is the reason of making Ragini cry. - Ragini today I saw more than I expected I promise u no more tears will flow from ur eyes atleast it won't be sad tears but tears of happiness -.

Laksh was walking up n down the room. Someone knocked the door. Laksh; come in. Sankaar enters the room with Kavitha his wife n wasn't alone Adarsh n Pari also come in. Laksh; u all here... what I did now?. Sans; nothing we heard what happened n we proud that u still agree to marry the girl. Adarsh; I can't believe that they r two different type of siblings. Laksh; maa told u everything?

They all nod. Laksh; u had to see her. She cried it felt like my world is burning I never fekt that before n thinking of her sister makes me so angry I can't describe to u. Pari; Devarji u have fallen in love. Kavitha; love at first sight. Right? Laksh looked down he go through his hair n shyly nod. Sans; just forget abt her n think of ur Ragini. Adarsh; Sans is right. Think of the upcoming happiness which is waiting for u. Laksh smiled.

(Totally opposite to Raginis family his family is an unit).

It was late in the night a car stops in front of the baadi. Ragini got awake by the sound of the car noise she looked out of the window n saw Swara getting off the car?. - Is she coming home? -. Swara gave the person a flying kiss n winks at him.

Ragini went out of her room bcz of her noise everyone woke up n comes out of their rooms. Daadi; Ragini what happen?. Ragini shows her to stay quiet n wait. Then just Swara enters the house. Shekhar; Swara? he looked at his watch. Swara - oh shit! -.

Sumi; Swara u got the medicine?. Swara; ha.. haan maa. Sumi; u all here? Shekhar; Sumi this is not the right time to send a girl out of the house fir medicine. Sumi; u r right it her age of marriage but unfortunately u never think abt her. Shona come.

Ragini - without a prove I can't do anything but I promised to maa to fight. From now on I will not only fight for me but also for u maa -.

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