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Hi thank u all a lot for supporting me😊 sorry for the delay.

Recap; Swara re-enters MM with a stay order the court sees her as a victim.

Laksh was angry he took Raginis hand n was back in their bedroom. Ragini saw the tension in Laksh she knows he is angry n confused. He scared of Swara what she could do to harm Ragini.

Swara got a room in the corner of the house it was far away from RagLak room. Laksh fumes he was walking in his n Raginis room.

Ragini couldn't see him like that she felt bad. Laksh ji please cool down.

Laksh looks on her. His anger was creating disturbances between them. She was scared it was a shape of Laksh she had missed bcz when Laksh was angry on Swara she wasn't in her sense.

Laksh was thinking -  how could she stay at her sisters home to take her place (Ragini). I will never let her take my Raginis place. I have to be very careful -. 

Ragini caresses his face. Laksh; Ragini don't worry We will face this together. Ragini; I know. She kisses him on his cheek.

Someone knocked on the door. Laksh was tensed what if it is Swara he thought.

Ragini saw his tension. Laksh ji we both need to be strong now n face it. Without hesitation Laksh opens the door Par n Kavitha come in.

They immidiately closed the door behind them. Laksh; Bhabhi what r u doing here?. Kavitha; I talked to our family lawyer this is all non sense I mean how can a court agree to something like this... Pari; it looks like that someone has bribed the judge to give her a stay order. Laksh; but who?.

Ragini was thinking of the night when Swara comes home very late in night. The car she come with was very expensive n luxury... but she couldn't see the driver of the car.

Pari saw Ragini. Pari touched her shoulder. Ragini u don't worry we r all here to support u. Ragini smiled but she wasn't worried abt Swara.

Ragini; Bhabhi Laksh I think I know who might helped her but I'm sorry I don't have a name or face. But he drives a very luxury car...

Lamborghini Gallardo new model

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Lamborghini Gallardo new model.

Laksh stood there open mouth. This car is sold all over India but in limited  pieces he too wanted one but unfortunately someone else took this car. It is the oy one in Kolkata.

Laksh; Ragini r u sure u saw this car? Ragini nod. I know it was late night but trust me it was this car. Pari n Kavitha saw the tension on Laksh face.

Angaad Chauhan

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Angaad Chauhan... owner of Chauhan ltd.

Kavitha; what?. R u sure?.
Laksh; yes bhabhi I am Sure.

Ragini was confused. Who is he?. She asked.

Laksh was abt to tell her but Kavitha stops him.

Kavitha; sorry Ragini but we can't tell u. Please!.

Ragini nod with a small smile. Laksh looked at Kavi. She left the room with teary eyes. Pari follows her. Laksh take gud care of Ragini ok. Laksh nod.

Ragini was to follow too but Laksh stops her. Laksh ji let me go. Something is wrong with Kavi bhabhi.

Laksh; right now bhabhi stopped me won't u know y?.

Ragini; but she said not tell me now how can u break her trust. Laksh; then following her is this right? It is a way to know the true but she forbidden. Please Ragini give her time. I'm sure she will come personally to u n tell u the truth.

Ragini understood n stayed with him in the room.

It was late in the night Ragini couldn't sleep... the matter with Kavi n Angaad was disturbing her...

Laksh felt the emptiness next to him. He got scared n looked around in the room half sleepy. Tgen he saw Ragini standing near the window rubbing her arms. Laksh stood up n back hugs her. The touch gave her a warm feeling.

Laksh; can't u sleep. He kisses her neck n went to bite her back. Ragini moan but soon she turned.  U r too much. No I can't sleep everything is workibg against us.... or better say me. All those problems entered with me.

Laksh hold her arms tight. Ragini! What r u saying? Never ever blame urself again. Wasn't it u who took a promise from me never let come anyone between us not to give ur right to someone else?. Ragini nod with teary eyes...

Laksh loses his grip but ger tears didn't come bcz of his harsh words or his tight grip but bcz she swore to be strong to her mother she will fight for her right n now she will fight for Laksh too.

Ragini hugs him n Laksh console her.

Both went back to bed n fall asleep after some romance... 😶.

Thanks again n sorry it's short.
Next update will be abt the past n Swaras new try to get close to Laksh
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