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Hi I wanna tell u all thank u 🌷.
this is specially for all of u who asked for more romance.

Recap; RagLak got married n spend their first night together.

It was a very special day. The Day after their first night.

It was 6 a.m. in thr morning Laksh was sleeping peacefully. He was still holding his Wife Ragini in his embrance. Ragini woke up eith a smile kn her face but being in Laksh embrance she was unable to move so she lying on Laksh chest.

Ragini - Today is the start of our new journey now I have become Ragini Lakshya Maheshwari - thinking of it made her blush.

Laksh gave her a kiss on her head while was sleeping. Ragini was surprised by his sudden act. She looked up but he was sleeping. She didn't care much on it she liked it to lie on his chest which was well formed...

An alarm sound come of her mobile. 6.30 a.m. she was lying on his chest for half an hour. But it didn't felt like it no it felt less very less...😟. Ragini somehow could come out of his hug. She put the quilt back on him n went to the bathroom to take a shower.

After some time she comes out of the bathroom wearing a simple Shalwaar Khameez.

Her hair was still wet she saw Laksh who was still sleeping

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Her hair was still wet she saw Laksh who was still sleeping... Ragini - what y is he still sleeping? Doesn't he has to go to office? -... 🤔💡.

She walks to him on her toes to make less noise. She removed the towel of her hairs. Her wet hairs flow n the water drops fall all over Laksh.

Laksh wasn't responding to her act. She then shake her head more drops of water fall on Laksh but again no respons. Ragini pout she folded her arms in front of her chest.

Laksh was awake he grabs her arm n pulls her to him while he turns she landed on his chest. Ragini blushed she fall on his trick. Laksh; u really thought I was sleeping?. My baacha I can sense u even miles away. Ragini; acha {really}?. Laksh nod. Ragini; Hum kaise manlain {how can believe u}?.

Laksh was holding her while starts to sit she didn't he held her. He was now at sitting position still holding her in embrance his right knee was giving Ragini hold. She looked at him deep in his eyes the same was doing both were lost in each other.

Ragini smiled she was blushing n looking awat from. Laksh comes closer he kissed her cheek. Ragini got a shiver. She turns back to face him. He kisses her other cheek n her light glow cheeks have turned red. Ragini; Laksh ji... He sealed her lips with hers.

Ragini was feeling the of his lips on hers she had closed her eyes to feel more. She did feel more when Laksh enters in her mouth n played with her tongue.

The kiss took long too long but both were happy. Laksh hand went to her cheek she had hands over his neck. His other hand was supporting her back. Both learnt last night how to control a long kiss... unfortunately destiny 😣.

A knock at the door. Raginis eyes widen. She broke the kiss n pushed him a bit away from her. She put her dupatta on her head n opens the door while Laksh was pretending to sleep..

AP was standing in front of their room. Ragini; maa...😀 She goes down n took her blessings. AP; may God bless u n keep u always happy... Laksh! she called while entering the room. Ragini smirked - Aab dehkte hain ke kaise baachenge {let's see hoe he will get saved now} -.

Sans; baari maa u r na too much. Ragini... how r u? Laksh face was covered he had a big smile on his face. AP; Sanskaar I'm warning u stay away. How can ge sleep that long while my daughter in love is awake. Ragini nod in agreement.

Ragini; maa u r absolutely right. Sans - Chalo yeh toh gaya {let's leave he done} -. AP; Sanskaar y r u smiling at Ragini like mad. Sans; woh maa... he looked down. AP; what?. Ragini; Sanskaar bhaija what?. Sans turned Ragini to face AP he shows on her lips... AP laughed putting her palm on her mouth to reduce the noise but it was too funny.

Ragini was feeling uncomfortable she couldn't understand why thwy r laughing... Laksh felt the pain. He turns to see his wife standing there with a lowered head. AP; Laksh... get up now! Laksh stood up he walks to Ragini.

Laksh; Ragini mera baacha. Look at me! Raginis eyes were filled with tears but Laksh shook his head. There is no need to be sad. He kissed her forehead. Sans n AP left. Raginis rolling tears were stopped by Laksh who sucked them in. Ragini hugs him. Laksh hugs her back.

Laksh; if u go tl the door to open it u should check in ur lipstick.... Ragini was confused Laksh turned her toward the mirror. Ragini made big eyes. The lipstick on her was almost vanished just bcz it got smeared over her face. Ragini turns in blush n hide her face in hus chest.

The sadness was gone but ger shyness stayed. Ragini; Maa wasn't laughing abt me well on my mistake but she laughed bcz... Laksh; I know. He hugs her tight. Laksh kissed her forehead she closed her eyes n was ready to continue were they had stopped before... but Laksh bite her lip n went to take a shower.

Ragini pout but smiled at him... Ragini cleans her mouth n was abt to leave when Laksh held her hand n pulls her toward him.

Ragini; Laksh ji what? With a smile which gives him a shiver of love. Laksh; adaat nahi isliye bhulgayi hogi {U r not used to ut that's y u forgot}. Ragini; what?... Laksh took vermilion n filled it in her hairline. Laksh; let me take a look... He lifts her chin with his finger n turns her left n right. Perfect 😘. He kissed for the last time her forehead n left for a shower.

Ragini was standing there with open mouth she looked at the mirror her hairline how could she forget? A tear escaped from her eye with a big smile. Ragini - Laksh ji I'm urs N I will never forget it again to fill my hairline 😊 -.

So hope u liked it comment me n vote please 😄

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