Laksh ki Masti {Laksh's fun}

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Hi 😄.

Recap; Laksh was very naughty n Ragini looked him out of the room 😁. Swara is planning her comeback.

Sans; hmm Lucky were will u sleep now? Laksh; I got pillow n two sweet brothers n two beautiful SIL I'm sure that I will find a place to sleep. He walks to Pari. Right baby he goes down to her belly. Adarsh; right he can't sleep with us she needs rest. Chalo Pari {let's go}. Laksh smiled mischievously. Sanskaar Bhai 🤗. Sans stood up. Wait let me talk to her. Laksh; what😣 U don't want me 😢. Kavitha; no... Sanskaar leave it he will stay with us. Sans hit his palm on his forehead n shook his head in disbelief.

AP; Laksh u can't. Laksh; maa😉 he winked at her. DP; oh no. He is on fire. AP spit out the water n laughed very loud. DP laughed haha.

Laksh; I haven't started yet n u r laughing... Kavitha; what?. Laksh; with a puppy face. Nothing. Kavitha twist his ear. Laksh screams loud.
Ragini hears it n runs as fast as she could her she missed a stair n was ant to fall but hero hai na 😊. Laksh comes there n on time n hold her. Ragini; Laksh ji u fine?  Y u screamed so loud. She pat his face.

Laksh; hmm... everything is fine Ragini. Look at me😊 anything happens to me no 😊. He kisses her forehead. Ragini hugs him tight. Kavitha; I'm sorry I twist his ear n he shout loud. Laksh; it hurts 😣. Ragini cups his face. Laksh was thinking to get a kiss but ... Ragini; y? I'm sure u wers planning up to somthing! u r very mischievous.

Kavitha; wow look that's called love. Look at u Sanskaar till date u don't know my fav ice cream flavour. Sans; Chocolate. Kavitha; no... She stamp with her feet n left. Laksh was laughing. Ragini; y r u laughing that's not nice. Now look Sanskaar bhaija n Kavitha bhabhi have a fight n that bcz of u. Laksh laugh louder... bcz of me....  hahaha... Ragini looked at him confused. Laksh; bcz of U... ha😂😂😂. Ragini; no u... She thought... just bcz J guess ur intention... right?. Laksh nod. Ragini; uff that is beyond my imagination... that was ur plan. Laksh shook his head.

AP; Ragini come. Ragini goes to AP. Ragini; haan maa.... aahhh maa leave my ear please. Laksh couldn't stop his laugh was waking everyone. Ragini; maa please what I did. AP; u missed a stair everything could happen. Laksh stopped with his laugh. Laksh; maa absolutely right. DP; chup {shut up}. Laksh 🤐. Ragini; maa I'm sorry u r right I will never do this mistake ever again. Looking at Laksh. Not for someone who is not worth it. Laksh dramatically holding his chest... A my heart u break it in million of pieces. Ragini; u r too much... AP; u r my pride I won't let anything happen to u. Laksh!... Laksh hugs his mother. Haan maa. AP; she is ur responsibility be more careful. Laksh; I'm always there to catch her. I will never let u fall down. He hold her hand n walked from there with his pillow.

Ragini had changed n Lucky was staring her. She was brushing her hair n tied them. Ragini; Laksh ji... Laksh nod. Ragini; don't stare it is a bad habit... Laksh; what u r my wife if I would stare a strange woman I would understand but honey u r mine. I have all rights to stare as long as I want. Ragini smiled n he smiles back. Ragini was sitting next to him she then decided to lie on his chest.

 Ragini was sitting next to him she then decided to lie on his chest

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Laksh hold her. Ragini; U know I have never seen so much love. Laksh; what?. Ragini looked at him. In my family it was always like a dark shadow surrounding our happiness. When I archived something Swara felt jealouse n tried to get the attention of Papa... but Laksh ji I'm not angry. I'm happy all the love I have missed all those years I gain... Laksh; how?. Ragini; with u Today ur laugh filled my heart with all the happiness which were missing all these years... Laksh kissed her fore hed n went down to her lips...

Swara enters baadi with Sumi. Shekhar hears the sound of the door. He stood up n walked into the hall. Shekhar; Swara u here?. Swara; haan I'm back n I swear to u I will make ur daughters life a hell n no one can sace ger from me..

Ragini break the kiss... breathing hard. Laksh; was close to her lips while talking his lips always stroke her. What happen?. Ragini; I don't know... my heartbeat is racing face something is coming... Laksh; as long as I'm with u nothing will come... He again kissed her lips...

Shekhar; how dare u?! Get out of my house. Sumi; u can't throw us out. Shekhar; I can we r not related. Swara; I'm ur daughter. Shekhar; I just have one daughter Ragini. I don't know who ur father is. But I know that Ragini is my blood n as long as I am alive u can't harm her. Swara; don't worry I will find a way. Jaanki; u r forgetting... Swara; what?. Jaanki; she is not alone n has become strong.
Swara; Laksh... she smirked.

Laksh; I love u Ragini. Ragini; I love u too. Don't leave me. Laksh; never😙. He holds her tight n both fall asleep.

Daadi wrote a message to Laksh to warn him... but he was sleeping. Daadi wrote one more message to DP...

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