Turning twist

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Recap; honeymoon was short I know. Laksh give Ragini the happy news that Angaad got arrested.

RagLak returns home after their honeymoon 😉. Laksh was holding her hand. Kissing her palm while she was staring at him in anger.

Laksh; sorry that we had to end our honeymoon so fast. Ragini; Are nahi Laksh it is ok. Kavitha is in labour pain we should be with them Sans bhai needs us.

Laksh; u r just perfect. He kisses her cheek. I love u... She blushes.. hmm I love u 2.

They were at hospital n waiting impatiently for the new arriving for their family.

Laksh was looking at Sans who was walking up n down the floor biting on his nails he is stressed very stressed.

Laksh put his hand on his shoulder. Sans turns looking into Laksh eyes just then they hear the cry of a baby. They all turned to the OT the door opens n a nurse comes out.

The nurse; congratulation it is a girl. Laksh; bhai😊😊😊. Sans; Lucky I got a daughter. My baby girl. Ragini saw their bond just then Adarsh come n the trio hugs.

Laksh; bhai go Bhabhi is waiting for u! Ragini n AP looked in n Sujata was excitingly waiting... Sans rushed in Kavitha was holding their girl. Kavitha; hi... Sans; hi... he was looking at the new life in her hand. Kavitha; u want to hold her? Sans shook his head he was scared. Kavitha; Sans come near. Sans nod his face was shows fear n his eyes become ready as soon he was holding the baby.

Sujata; can we come in??? Kavitha nods wiping the tears of Sans away. Sans; Maa look my girl. Sujata; haan now tell me her name! Sans n Kavitha looked at each other. Laksh n Ragini hold each other's hand. Laksh comes near Raginis ear. U remember na we had a deal to be parents next? Ragini blushes n nod.

 U remember na we had a deal to be parents next? Ragini blushes n nod

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Ragini; haan Laksh I remember. Kavitha; we haven't thought for a name yet. Laksh do u have a name for us? All looked at them but RagLak were lost in each other.

AP cleans her throat. Hrrmm Laksh Ragini u r not alone. They both apart from each other still looking at each other in desire when her mobile rings...

 They both apart from each other still looking at each other in desire when her mobile rings

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