Ragini's 1st win

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Recap; RagLak wants to know more abt Angaad n Swaras plan. So both r faking a fight.

Swara smirkes. - Ragini u stupid the more u pushes him away the easier he comes to me -.

Laksh was seeing the smirk but that is what they want to make Swara feel comfortable. Laksh angrily stood up. He made his way up to the room.but Swara come too. Laksh wait! Ragini was sitting there with a pout. Laksh waited for Swara both went up.

All the family members looked at her in shock n surprise. Ragini burst out in laugh. Loom at u all. Like a ghost has just shown up. AP; Ragini what is this all?.

Ragini looked at the stairs if they both left. Maa we r planning to give Swara some comfort so she will give us some information abt her plan n Angaad who is her partner.

Sanskaars eyes become red hearing the name of Angaad. What Angaad? What he has to do with all of this?. Kavitha hold his hand she shook her head. Relax Sanskaar. Ragini; Sans Bhai please don't be so loud or sge might hear us. We just found out she got help by Angaad but this is not confirmed yet as it is just a presumption. We have no evidences yet n Laksh n I planned to show a fake fight.... I hope u don't mind.

DP stood up n walks to her. If u feel comfortable we r not against it we will help u on ur fight. Ragini smiled. Thank u Papa. Ok now I have to make some snacks for him. She runs into the kitchen n made non spicy but tasty pakoore for Laksh with yoghurt.

Laksh was with Swara in her room. Laksh u have to explain me how could a modern boy like u fall for a girl like Ragini?. Laksh; pout. U know whag u r so right her innocent face blended me I just fall in her trick. But she is awful just after the first night I felt like I married to a burr she never left me alone. I can't breath... - Are yaar what lie should I tell her? -.

Swara; I knew it but y u stopped me marrying u? Laksh; I was blind but now I can clearly see what I want. He held her hand but in his inner he wanted to cut the hand. He gave her a fake smile. Swara hold his hand back. Lalsh don't worry I will help u yo get rid of her. Laksh; really how?. Swara was thinking. Let it be my problem ok?. Laksh nod leaving her hand. Ok I think I should go or else she will creat a scene. Swara nod.

Laksh closed the door behind him. 😣. He looks on his hand. - I need to wash it off yuck -. He comes into his bedroom Ragini was waiting for him. She had made food. She holded the plate in the air n Laksh was jumping. Laksh rushed to the washroom n washed the hand. He comes with open mouth. Ragini took a piece of pakoore blow the hot air away n dipped it in yoghurt chutney she made for him n feed him. Laksh smiled 😊.

A knock n Laksh jumped up what if it is Swara. Ragini hides the plate n turned to the otherside of the room with crossed arms aboce her chest.

Laksh walks to the door. He opens it   was surprised to see Sanskaar with Adarsh.

Sans; Lucky!. Laksh scares by Sans shout. Adarsh; Laksh! how dare u to go to another woman room. Laksh saw Swara standing far away with the cornor of his eyes - Oh so she is watching -. Laksh; What u mean by another woman. The court said she has a connetion with me. Sans; But u love Ragini right. Adarsh; then how can u go to another woman. Laksh; I was talking to a friend n No bro I don't.... He turns n hold his ears. I do I do he forms with his lips. Ragini nod. Sans; Lucky u r doing wrong. Laksh; It is mt life. Gud night. Sorry he formed with his lips. N closed the door.

Laksh; Ragini bcz u my bro goes against me. Ragini was holding her laugh. Oh really maybe u never deserved a family like them. U r a... cheap man. Laksh; cheap.... u call me cheap.... I will show u how cheap I am. Ragini was running away while Laksh was chasing her.

Swara was back in her room. Yes so there is a problem between them. Now we can go to our next part. I will trap Laksh with in a room. But first I have to make a call.

RagLak who were in bed. Ragini was caught by him n was ordered to feed him were waiting for Swaras next step she announced.

Yeah Laksh has a friend who works with spy equipment. He organised a
bugging device n when he was at Swara room he fixed on a place she would never check on it.

Laksh; she is calling. Ragini; yes hope she will use his or her name. Laksh me too. U called me cheap. He bites on her cheek. Ragini; ouch. U r bad... Oh ssshhh she is making the call.

Swara was trying to call her companion.

Swara; damn it pick up...
Swara; Hello Angaad it's me Swara. Our plan is working.
Angaad; what how?.
Swara; since I'm here Laksh is changing first I didn't saw it but now I can see all his changes toward Ragini not only that he also confirmed me he doesn't love her. He just fall for her innocent face she trapped him.
Angaad; great u know the next step. Trap him. He should spend a night with u then nothing can stop us.
Swara; yes. No one knows I'm pregnant with ur child I will put the blame on Laksh. I will get Raginis place n kick her out.
Angaad; then u will destroy the Maheshwari Ltd.
Swara; Of course everything for u..
Angaad; bye.
Swara; bye.

Laksh n Ragini were speechless. She is pregnant with Angaads child. She wants to blame Laksh n destroy the company. Ragini fumes in anger.  But Laksh stopped her. He was scared but stopped her. Laksh; Ur plan worked now it's our turn. Ragini nod.

Laksh lift her. Ragini was surprised. Laksh leave me. Laksh shook his head. Didn't u hear she is pregnant n we r not... But I want to change this what u say?. Ragini blushed. Haan sure. He made her lie on the bed n switched off the lights...🙈

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