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krishrokz for U.

Recap; Swara is trapped n arrested now she won't come out.

Laksh was smiling like a mad the evil Swara has gone out of their life. Finally he can now have some fun with his wife Ragini.

Ragini was happy too afterall the struggle she had to go through Swara is now out of her life.

Kavitha went to Sans with Pari. Sans was surprised to see them both together. Pari; Sans Bhaiya u know now after Swara is gone we should gift Ragini n Laksh a special present. Sans was confused so was Adarsh.

Adarsh; Pari what r u saying? Sans; haan Bhabhi I didn't get it. Kavitha shook her head. She hits her forehead with her palm. Honeymoon.

Adarsh n Sans; oh Honeymoon? r u sure Laksh is ready to take some responsibility?.

Kavitha; Sans please as if u r? Pari; haan btw if we won't let him take the responsibility he won't be ever. Adarsh; ok n where do u want to send them? Kavitha; hmm what abt Switzerland?. Sans; no yaar It will feel like watching a bollywood movie. Pari; Greece? Adarsh; that is a gud idea. Where? Kavitha; Crete. Sans; done.

The four plans to surprise RagLak. But Laksh just wanted to spend some precious time with his wife but she was just chatting with her MIL....

Laksh was abit upset he really wanted to romance a little bit. Kinda romance of their success but Ragini was too busy celebrating with others...☹.

Laksh took out his mobile n messaged her

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Laksh took out his mobile n messaged her. Meet me! But no reply of her... he was looking around no one w1qs there she could at least look at her mobile but no nothing.

He then saw her mobile which was lying on the dining table - this girl na? -.

He vanished from there n made a call.

AP n Ragini were still busy in chitchat when they both heard the ringing of the mobile.

Ragini saw her mobile display which was Laksh photo n name. - y is he calling? -.

Ragini left from their to receive the call.

Ragini left from their to receive the call

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Ragini; hello Laksh...
Laksh; haan main Laksh u remember
Ragini pout. Laksh what r u saying?
Laksh; well u were busy in talking with ur MIL. U just ignored me.
Ragini thought. No Laksh that is not true. I wasn't ignoring u. I was just not giving u the attention as usual.
Laksh; Ragini isn't it the same?
Ragini bite on her lips. Laksh plz.
Laksh; how pity me...
Ragini; y r u saying this?
Laksh; Bcz I have to call my wife's mobile number to talk to her...😢.
Ragini laughs... Both talked like this for an hour even being in the same house.

Kavi/Pari; with whom she is talking?.

Sans/Adar; with whom is he talking?.

they went to each n both smiled. Ok bye Laksh/Ragini.

The four; U were talking to Laksh/Ragini.

RagLak; haan.
Ragini; he is mad!
Laksh; u now she loves to talk much...

Sans n Adarsh comes down with Laksh. Pari n Kavitha dragged Ragini in.

The whole family was present. RagLak; smiled weird. Ok what happen?. Kavitha; after so much trouble we want to give u something. Laksh; a new car? Pari gave him a death glare. Laksh numbs.

Ragini smiles at the cute face of her Laksh. She hold his hand tight.

 She hold his hand tight

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Laksh smiles at her. Kavitha; well we thought to give u this... She handover them an envelop.

Laksh; bhabhi what is in it? Adarsh; stop ur questions just open n look in it. Laksh mimics him... Sans comes to hit him but Ragini comes between them. Nothing can harm me as long as my wife is with me. Remember this.

Laksh opens the envelop n found 2 tickets to Crete for honeymoon. Ragini blushed Honeymoon she repeats in a small voice which only she n Laksh could hear.

Laksh was damn happy he hugs everyone n thanked them. Soon RagLak were up in their room packing the bags.

Ragini; Laksh is a honeymoon right? Laksh; what u mean Ragini?
Ragini, afterall what happened is a honeymoon on this time right?
Laksh; u can't always live in the past. For it is right bcz u r there na. I don't need much u r enough.
Ragini hugs him. If u r okay then I'm ok too.

Laksh; that is my girl. Let's do the rest of the packing after that I have to do something else with u...😉.

Ragini; our honeymoon hasn't started yet n u r just too much...

Laksh; Ok then I will make it start from now.... 🙈

Next update will be long on Honeymoon with pictures 😉.

please comment n vote sorry for the short update...

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