Swara's game over

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Recap; Swara pregnant with Angaads child. RagLak r collecting evidences against Swara.

Laksh was sleeping holding Ragini very tight. Ragini was in a blush Laksh has given her her blissfilled night she had never imagine of {Please imagine something I want to keep this story readable for all😊}.

Ragini looked at her husband whom's strong arms were around her waist. Ragini turns to him she was looking at his sleeping face he looks always handsome but now he was more he had shown her many shades of him right now she feels his cuteness. She went trough his hair messing the mess which made more adorable. She was going through his lips with her thumb she kisses him.

Laksh opens his eyes. I would love to wake up like this everyday. Ragini gave him an Eskimo-kiss nose to nose. Laksh; yeh bhi chalega {that would work too}. Both took a shower n come down. As soon as they saw Swara they gave each other death gazes.

Swara stood up n walked to Laksh. Laksh smiled at her fakly. Swara took his hand it hurts Ragini badly but they needed to do it. Laksh too felt bad.

Swara made him sit next to her far away from his regular seat next to Ragini. All were aware of their plan but still it was not nice to see it.

Laksh was pissed he was missing Ragini desperately. Swara serves him the food. Laksh didn't saw n just ate it. Suddenly he coughed his hiccup start. Ragini stood up but Swara patted his back n gave him water to drink.

Laksh fakly thanked her giving Ragini a sad look. But Ragini didn't wanted to ruin their plan so she stayed calm. She had prepared everything to expose Swara.

Ding Dong. The door bell rings. Ragini stood up n excused herself to open the door. A lawyer called by Ragini come in with a judge.

Swara was shocked n confused - What new drama is she playing? -.

Ragini calls them in. What u like to have some food or drink?. Both denied politely.

Laksh stood up. Ragini what is this? He asked in anger. Ragini turned her face with a pout. I can't live with u n her under one roof. Now the judge will clear this matter. A judgement is the reason if her stay now another judgement will cancel it.

Laksh; but I won't let that happen. Ragini made a sad face. Y Laksh?

Laksh; bcz the court said she has no one to look after her.

Ragini; Laksh this is wrong. Her mother is still alive.

Laksh; but the court said I "ruined" her life.

Ragini; wrong again she tried to kill me n take my place.

Laksh; but...

Ragini; Baas {Enough}!

Laksh was quiet.

The lawyer stood up. Mrs. Ragini Maheshwari is right no judgement which says she has to live her. Actually she can be happy that she is out of jail after attempt of murder. The judge agreed to the lawyers words.

Swara goes to Laksh. Laksh she hold his hand which made Ragini burn from inside. Say them u r not happy her. U want to divorce her.

Laksh was confused - Did she really thought I would leave my angel like wife for this dirty fake girl no way! -.

AP comes to them. Swara mind ur language u r staying here just as guest not as a family memeber!.

Swara fumes in anger.

Kavitha got to know from Ragini that Swara is pregnant n this whole show is to show her reality to all. Kavitha took a glass full of milk n went near Swara. Kavitha; Swara u look weak here have some milk. Swara was confused unknow how she is she didn't understand thw trick.

Swara took the glass as soon as she smells it she starts to feel dizzy a vomit comes up. She let the glass fall n rushed to the washroom.

The judge n Laywer were confused. Laksh explained them everything as long as Swara was in the washroom. The judge was hell angry how could someone sold himself for money troubling a newly wed couple. The lawyer; Please call the police for fraud.

Pari did the call on advance n the police should be arrive soon.

Swara comes out AP looked at her in disgust. How dare u to come into my house with a child of someone?.

Swara - How they know that I'm pregnant? -.

Ragini smirked. Swara u must be thinking how we got to know? Well yesterday when u took Laksh into ur bedroom he placed a bug. We heard ur convo with Angaad. Chi u come here to destroy my married lufe by destroying ur own life. U r pregnant that too before u r married I never thought u would fall so low.

Swara was more shocked. They know all that she works with Angaad. Ragini don't u dare.

Ragini showed her palm. Shut up!. Swara ur game is over.

Just in time the police arrived n arrested Swara once again.

Ragini; I feel pity for the child. It will come to the world in jail...

Laksh; It is not ur problem!. AP; haan Ragini u didn't told her to sleep with a man. U didn't told her to take ur place. U r not responsible.

Ragini was happy for the support she got....


Swara chapter over but Angaad is still in.
Laksh n Ragini honeymoon😎

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