Ragini muuh dihkayi / past

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Recap; There is a hidden past of Kavitha with Angaad. Swara is working with Angaad together to destroy RagLak marriage.

The whole Mention wad decorated as a bride. After RagLaks married they have only one ritual Raginis gharparvesh now they have decided to call everyone to show Ragini in her Muuh Dihkayi.

Ragini was sleeping in Laksh embrance unknown of the news. But Swara was well aware of it.

Swara - Muuh Dihkayi not without me. Afterall I was the one whom he should have married in first place -.

Laksh woke uo holding Ragini tight. Ragini felt his strong arms around her. First hi touched her waist then he her back from there he went lower. Ragini stops him by hitting his hand away. Laksh; Ragini... he yawns y u hit me? He tries to cover his doing by saying that he was sleeping n his hand just shift in sleep.

Ragini; acha? U r very bad. Laksh looks at her with an innocent puppy face. Ragini comes up n gave him a kiss on his nose but Laksh lift his head n she kissed his lips. Ragini; Laksh!. She stood up n went to the washroom Laksh follows her unobtrusive.

After a while all met on the dining table. Ragini n Laksh come down n were surprised seeing the decoration of the hall. Laksh; mom what is this all?. AP goes to them. Today is the muuh dihkay of my DIL the world should see my DIL who is the one among millions. Ragini blushed. Laksh; Oh that is ur plan U want to show off with my beautiful wife. AP smiles. Haan that's what I want. Now have breakfast.

All were eating together when Swara appears. All looked up in disgust she sat on the free chair. Laksh anger raised but Ragini hold his hand tight. Laksh looked at her n saw her shaking head. DP; Please eat. There is nothing wrong to sit n eat with us. I hope I am clear.

Laksh was eating his paratha. Aah. Cough... Ragini patter his back she gave him water to drink. AP stood up Laksh beat what happen? Even she patter his back. Laksh; maa.. 🌶 mirchi. Ragini; Chilli She tries the paratha n was very spicy. AP; Laksh beta I didn't... She looked at Swara n gave her death glare. AP; Seems like someone is trying to creat problems here. Laksh too looked at Swara.

Ragini went to the kitchen n got some bread with milk. She made him eat n drink. He was looking deep in her eyes where he was lost. Ragini gave him a blushed smile.

After breakfast the men left for office. Ragini was getting ready when Swara enters the room. Ragini stood up. Swara! What r u doing here? Swara; relax. Ragini I'm already there where I belong to. But what abt u? Do u really thing u fit in here? I mean come on. U r nothing in comprising to me.

Ragini looked at her with a pity face. She wasn't angry or hurt just pity on Swara n her small thoughts. Her talk is just disgusting but still she hears her without uttering a word. Pari n Kavitha enters the room.

Kavitha was very angry on Swara knowing abt her teamwork with Angaad made her blood burn. Sanskaar is well aware of it Laksh had inform him on thr way to office.

Adarsh was shocked. I can't believe this how can she work with a man like Angaad he just make his work done n then let them fall. Sanskaar was thinking abt Kavitha....

Kavitha went to Swara. She made her turn by holding Swaras elbow n gave her a tight slap. Get out of this room now. Swara; How dare u? I will not.... She raises her hand to slap Kavitha but Ragini stopped her. Swara hoe could u even think abt it to raise ur hand? She pregnant!. Just get out of my room. Ragini pushed her out.

Ragini; Bhabhi r u alright? Kavitha caresses her cheek. Haan Ragini I am. Thank u. Sorry I lose my control. But knowing that she is working with Angaad let my blood boil.

Ragini n Pari consoled her. Kavitha sat on the bed of RagLak.

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I was in the same college with Sanskaar n Angaad was there too. Sanskaar n I were very much in love but Angaad tried a lot to break our relationship. But we didn't fall on his tricks. One day we went out for dinner to celebrate out engagement.

We were at the xyz restaurant n Angaad were there too. He paid a waiter to mix something in my drink. I felt dizzy. Sanskaar went to take the car n Angaad come there he was just waiting for the right moment. He took me in his car n drove away.

Sanskaar was looking for me but he couldn't find me. My luck was Lucky he saw me in the car of Angaad I don't know how but he was there n saved me by following him.

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Ragini sat next to her. Oh my Gosh I would never thought someone will fall that low.

Kavitha felt bad. I'm sorry bcz of me ur mood is off. Ragini hold her hand. Please don't worry I'm fine. Nothing is going to change my mood. Pari smiled. Now this is something we can all work with. Come on they r all waiting.

Kavitha n Pari made the last adjustments on Raginis dress. Ragini comes down all eyes were on her but soon it their gaze drifted to the second bride who comes behind Ragini.

Jaanki n Daadi saw that. Sumi enters the house. Shona my girl. Swara; maa. All women looked at AP n Sujata. But Ragini didn't bother much. She meet everyone n took their blessings. A woman; AP ur DIL is fabulous well manner cultured n educated. Not like others who sit on the head of her own sisters husbands house.

Laksh comes in. aunty Swara is not her sister actually we don't know who her father is. So honestly there is nothing gud in her. She was born dirty n she is dirty. Swara stood up she walks to him. Laksh hold her hand. Don't u dare to raise ur hand again. I will break ur hand. He pushes her away.

Ragini walks to Laksh dhe checked on him. All saw her love, care n concern. Swara!. U have no rights to raise ur hand on my husband. Sumi; Ragini!. Is that a way to talk to ur older sister. Ragini; ✋ She is not my sister. I have no relationship with her. Jaanki; Ragini enough. Please sit. Its time for the rituals.

They all ignored Swara n Laksh comes n give Ragini a gift. Laksh; open it. Ragini was blushed.

Ragini; Laksh this is beautiful

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Ragini; Laksh this is beautiful. Laksh; u liked it? He gave her a sweet smile oh his.

A woman; seems like there is someone very much in love. Laksh; that is not a secret my wife loves me alot. Ragini slaps him slightly. Laksh; oh it is me who is in love with me wife. Ragini nod. Laksh kisses her forehead n left.

All again praised her n Swara burn in jealousy...

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