Pizza & Movies

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Maya's POV:

Once school finally ends, my mom drives me home and I fall asleep on the couch instantly. I realize that I had barely slept last night because of the pain in my ankle and because I was so worried about how everyone at school would react.
I wake up around 5:00 to see my mom sitting next to me watching something on tv.
"Oh, you're awake! You fell asleep right after school, which makes me a little worried. Are you feeling alright?" she asks.
"Yeah mom, I'm fine. I just have a cold and I guess school tired me out," I reply.
She gently puts her hand on my forehead.
"Babygirl, you're burning up! Looks like being out in the cold for so long yesterday gave you a little more than just a cold."
"I'll be okay mom, I promise."
"I know you will be babygirl, but as your mother I will always worry about you,"
I wrinkle my nose in disgust at her sudden cheesiness.
"Anyway, I ordered some pizza for dinner and Shawn'll be home soon, so I thought we could have a little movie night since you aren't feeling well. How does that sound?"
"Sounds great, mom," I reply. I'm beginning to fall asleep again.
"What's this on your cheek?" my mom asks gesturing to where Charlie hit me.
"What's what?" I ask trying to sound confused which I difficult because I know exactly what she's talking about.
"You have a big blue bruise on your cheek," she explains.
She runs her finger across it and I flinch because of the pain.
"Oh, I must've bumped it or something when I fell."
I think she believes me because she hasn't said anything yet.
I drift of to sleep as my mom strokes my hair. I wish this moment of peace could last forever.
• • • •
I wake up to the sound of Shawn coming in the door.
"Hey Maya! How's the ankle?" he asks enthusiastically.
"It could be better, but it's not as bad as it was last night."
"Well that's good to hear. Heard you have a bit of a cold too."
"Yeah... looks like the cold weather finally got to me."
"Well kiddo, I hope you feel better soon!" Shawn says as he goes and grabs a slice of pizza.

I'm actually not at all surprised that I'm sick. My immune system is incredibly weak, so I get little coughs and colds all the time. My weak immunity also causes me to always be cold. Speaking of cold, I'm shivering so hard right now, even though I'm underneath two fairly thick blankets.
"You cold there, Maya?" my mom asks.
I nod, "J-just a little."
"How about some hot pizza to warm you up?" Shawn suggests.
"Sounds great," I reply as Shawn dishes out pizza for mom and me.
He hands me a plate and asks, "So, what movie should we watch?"
"How about High School Musical?" I suggest, "You can never see that too many times." "Um yes you can, and you've reached your limit of too many times," Shawn says.
"You do know there's three High School Musical movies, right? And it's impossible to watch them too many times."
"Okay, okay, High School Musical it is. Which one are we watching?"
"Senior Year," I reply, "that one has always been my favourite."
Shawn sighs, "Alright... here we go with all these cheesy songs again."
We put the movie on and 20 minutes in I fall asleep to the song "Can I have this dance".

Sorry for the boring-ish filler chapter!
Do you guys think this story is dragging on too slowly?
Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed this (even tho I say that in literally every chapter)
Also HSM is my life, so Maya obviously HAD to watch it. Comment your favourite hsm movie and/or song if you want😂🤷🏻‍♀️ My favourite movie is hsm 3, and and my favourite song has to be either Fabulous or Everyday.

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