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Maya's POV

The rest of my weekend with Riley was amazing and I didn't want it to end. We were so sad to say goodbye.
Mr. Matthews did bring Auggie though, and him and Ben really hit it off. They're already planning their next "playdate".
Life has become what I guess is the "new normal". Liv and Benji go to school, I do online school, they come home, we watch movies and talk for hours. We also snack— a lot.
I don't sleep much, I never really have though.
My ankle feels a lot better than it did at first, but there's still a constant throb. It also hurts especially at night which apparently normal, but it sucks. I can start getting around with crutches in a week or two and I honestly can't wait.
Anyway, there's really not too much to say other than I'm sick of sitting on the couch all day and Morgan is constantly worrying about everything.
oml sorry for this incredibly short boring chapter, but i have no motivation to write and no ideas😂
anyway, i started a pitch perfect fanfic, so check it out if you want! if you haven't seen pp3, there might be some spoilers just so you know.
thanks for reading guys, better chapters are on their way!😂

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