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Maya's POV

As Morgan fills out the paperwork in the waiting room, she gives a little gasp.
"Wait! What's today's date?"
"The fifteenth, why?"
"Isn't your birthday the sixteenth?"
"... Yeah"
"Oh my god, I totally forgot! Poor thing has to be away from home with a displaced foot on her birthday," she frowns.
"It'll be okay, it's just another day anyway."
"No it isn't! How old are you turning again?"
"Really? So Olivia is a few months older. She's a year behind in school because she started late."
She finishes with the papers and they call me in.
They explain how they'll simply put me under anesthetic and pin my foot back in place. They say it's an easy surgery.
They put me to sleep and do their thing. The next thing I know, I'm laying in a recovery room with Morgan sitting in a chair beside me. I wish it was my real mom sitting there.
After a while, a nurse comes in and says we're good to go.
My ankle is in excruciating pain, so the hospital lends us a wheelchair to get to the car.
My ankle is currently bandaged, I can't wear my boot until the swelling goes down.
Morgan helps me into the car and starts it up.
"I'm sorry that had to happen and that you had to pay for all that," I say.
"Oh honey noooo. This is not even the slightest bit your fault! I should be the one who's sorry."
"You don't need to feel sorry."
"But I do, and nothing can stop that."
We get home and Morgan sets up a comfy spot for me on the couch. She doesn't want me going up and down the stairs so I'm stuck sleeping here for the next few nights.
Morgan gets me something to eat, then calls Kermit and my mom, explaining the situation.
I look at the clock, it's already three. Olivia must be out with her friends or in her room. I decide to facetime Riley and tell her everything.
The second she answers, I smile for the first time today. I missed her sweet face.
"PEACHES! I heard about what happened! Are you okay? What's it like having surgery? Oh! Your parents are here! You wanna talk to them?"
"Sure, in a minute. First, I'd like you to meet someone!"
"Oooh who is it?!"
Morgan creeps up behind me and Riley gasps in excitement.
"Riles, meet Morgan. She's me half mom."
"Hi there, Riley! I've heard a lot about you!"
I laugh a little bit.
"Maya, I'm sure your parents are dying to see you! Wanna go down?"
"Sure Riles."
"Alsoooo, guess who's birthday it is tomorrow!"
"Your mom's? Auggie's?"
"No silly, it's your birthday!"
"Really? I forgot!"
"How could you forget? You're gonna be seventeen!"
She brings me downstairs to her living room. I can hear lots of chatter going on.
"Guys! I'm on facetime with Maya!" Riley says loudly.
She sits down on the couch next to my mom.
Her face lights up as soon a she sees me.
"Hi babygirl! How are you? I heard about what happened."
"I'll be fine, please don't worry. I miss you though," I say.
"Aww, we miss you too."
Shawn then appears on the screen.
"Hey kiddo! I heard that your birthday is tomorrow!"
Everyone else gets a turn to say hi. After a while, Riley has to go so we promise we'll facetime tomorrow and end the call.
Kermit and Ben come in and Ben sits beside me and asks me to tell him everything.
I eat my dinner on the couch and end up finding myself incredibly bored.
Ben tries to teach me how to play Mario Cart, however, I fail miserably.
I ask Morgan to get my sketchbook and pencil from my room and and draw for a while. Around eight, when Ben went to bed, Morgan and I put on a movie.
I somehow fall asleep really quickly.
• • • •
I wake up the next morning to Ben climbing on me singing, "Happy birthday to you, you live in a zoo! You look like a monkey, and you act like one to!"
"You're the monkey," I groan, still half asleep.
"Be gentle Ben! You're gonna squish her," Morgan calls.
She walks over and gives me a hug.
"Happy birthday, Maya!"
"Thanks," I smile.
"I'm making some funfetti waffles for breakfast."
"YUM!" Ben exclaims.
She hands me a plate, the waffle had a mountain of whipped cream and sprinkles on it.
"Woah, thank you."
Morgan laughs.
Olivia comes down and barely glances at me.
"Good morning Liv, how about you wish Maya a happy birthday?"
"Why do I have to?" she moans.
"Because she's a part of you family."
"No she's not!"
Morgan puts her hands on her hips.
"Fine," she gives in, "happy birthday Maya," she says with no enthusiasm whatsoever.
"Thanks," I whisper.
Olivia and Ben head for school. "Dad" is already at work.
I spend most of the day pretty bored. With even the slightest move my ankle hurts like crazy.
Morgan tries to help me get up, but even though I'm not standing on it, the pain is excruciating.
Morgan decides to bring down some nail polish because I'm so bored. I paint my fingernails while she does my toes, extremely carefully on one foot.
As I watch her work, I realize that if I was at home, this wouldn't be happening. I would probably be sitting alone in my room all day. Then again, if I was at home none of this would have happened.
Later on, I facetime Riley for a bit. She misses me especially today. Then, I facetime my parents.
Morgan makes tacos for dinner, my actual actual favourite. They're even better than Paco's Tacos!
She also makes me a chocolate cake.
"This is too much! You didn't have to do any of this."
"Of course we did!" Morgan exclaims, "Now, do you wanna open presents?"
"Oh noooo, you didn't need to get me anything."
Morgan laughs and runs upstairs.
She comes down with a big birthday bag.
She hands it to me with a big smile.
Everyone gathers around, even Olivia looks semi-curious.
I open the card first. It read:
Dear Maya,
Thank you for joining our family this month! We know it's been a little rough, but you'll hopefully get used to everything. We hope that after this month, you'll still want to keep a relationship with us.
The Harts
"Thank you so much," I whisper.
I take out some tissue paper to find a new sketchbook and some fancy (and expensive, I'm sure) art supplies.
"Oh my god, this must've cost so much! I can't accept this."
"You deserve it, Maya," "dad" says.
"There's one more thing in there," Morgan says, excited.
I reach in and pull out two tickets to Pitch Perfect 3 this weekend.
I gasp, "O-M-ACA-G! Thank you!"
Everyone but Olivia laughs, she does smile a little though.
I am completely overwhelmed by how loved I feel right now— by a family I never thought would love me.
I must admit, my seventeen birthday wasn't to terrible after all.
Just before I fall asleep, Morgan gives me a little box. Inside is a locket that has my name on it. I open it up to see a picture of me and my parents on one side, and Riley and I on the other.
"So you can take them wherever you go."
"Thank you, I love you."
"Love you too, goodnight sweetheart. Happy birthday."

gosh i miss gmw and maya more and more everyday.
i hope you enjoyed this incredibly long chapter. things will hopefully speed up soon!

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