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Maya's POV

So my secret's out, at least they got Charlie expelled. Riley doesn't know and I'm hoping to keep it that way. I think it's too much for her, she won't understand.
The weeks go by and soon enough I'm walking in the boot. It's initially very painful and awkward walking for the first time in like 18 weeks. I do walk funny like the doctor said, and my ankle is very weak so I can't do too much walking on it.
The fact that I can now walk is a little sign of hope (and Freeeedooom *starts singing Pitch Perfect*) that I have almost fully recovered.
Only a couple more weeks until I can go home! I'll miss this family, but I'm sure we'll see each other again. We are family after all.
•  •  •  •
~Two Weeks Later~
Today is the day! I get the "okay" from the doctor to begin easing back into walking normally. I've done a little bit without the boot. It hurts a lot and feels really awkward but apparently I'll get used to it. I'll probably never regain any flexibility in the ankle or be able to walk normally, I'll have what the doctor calls a "permanent limp".
Today is the day I go home. Mr. Matthews is coming to pick me up. My dad is at work, so he can't take me home and my mom and Shawn coming would just be weird.
As Morgan helps me pack up my stuff, she looks over at me, noticing a few stray tears on my cheeks.
"Thank you for being there for me for all this time, your love is something I'll never forget. You really are like a mother to me, thanks for that," I say.
"Anytime sweetheart! Thank you for trusting me. I know these past few month have been anything but easy for you, but I want you to know how strong you are, because I don't think you know that. Maya, your the strongest person I know, and I am so proud of you. I'm always here if you need to talk too, don't forget that."
I put on a "brave" face and smile, "I wont, thank you."
She hugs me for what feels like forever, but I won't complain.
One we have all my stuff ready and Mr. Matthews shows up, it's time for the goodbyes, probably the hardest part of today.
First I go over to Benji and give him a hug.
"I'll miss you lil guy, thank you for loving my right from the start."
"You're welcome!" he smiles, "Mom said that maybe we can come to New York and visit you and Auggie soon!"
"That's awesome! Love you dude."
I give him a tap on the head and make my way over to an already teary Olivia.
"Livvvvyyyy," I hug her.
"I'll miss ya Mayo, remember to Snapchat me like all the time."
"I will, I love you."
"Love you more. Thank you for being the sister I never had."
We hug even tighter before I eventually move on to Morgan.
She hugs me so tight.
"Thank you for always being there through everything. I don't know how I'll ever make it up to you."
"Just be yourself, don't let anyone or anything change you. That's all the thanks I need."
I smile tearfully, "I love you so much, thank you."
I give her a kiss on the cheek, she gives me one on the forehead. I really do love this mother-daughter bond we've formed.
"Love you too. Forever."
Mr. Matthews helps me with my stuff.
"Bye!" Benji shouts.
"No, not goodbye. See you soon. Goodbye is too sad."
"See you soon!" they all shout.
"I love you guys!" I blow a kiss as I close the door.
Matthews and I get settled in the car and head home.
"Maya, you have no idea how happy it makes me to see your love for your other family. I'm glad you have such a good bond with them."
"Yeah, they are pretty great. It was a little rough at first, but everything was sorted out eventually."
"That's good, I was worried you would be lonely and miserable the whole time. How is your relationship with your dad?"
"Things are okay between us I guess. He was nice at first, now he pays to attention to me."
He smiles understandingly, but I think he just doesn't know how to respond.
We somehow make it through the drive without mentioning the Charlie situation. I think he wants today to be happy, but the discussion is definitely coming.
We arrive at the Matthews's after hours. I assume my mom and Shawn are there. I can't believe I'm seeing them again for the first time in months.
We get to the door of apartment 26, my second home.
"You ready?" Matthews asks.
I take a deep breath, "Yeah."
I realize how things could be exactly the same or totally different. Here goes nothing...

y'all i've had literally no motivation to write sorry😂
sorry if this fanfic is getting a lil cheesy lmao

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