A Talk with Mr. Matthews

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Morgan's POV

Wow, I'm feeling almost as torn as poor Maya is. As much as I want her to go home and see her family, I know she's potentially in danger. Plus, I'll miss her.
I wish I could give her advice, but in this situation, I have no idea what to say. I feel terrible, and I know she doesn't like sympathy but how do I not feel bad? I hope she sees me as some kind of mother anyway.
Yesterday was a rough day, she told me everything and I know how hard it was. Today has been a little better. She's been doing her school on the couch all morning. From what I had heard, she wasn't the brightest student. That doesn't seem to be the case here though. I know she's a lot smarter than the world wants her to know.
I walk over to her couch and sit down beside her.
"You okay?" I ask, noticing she's staring off into space.
She shakes her head, realizing that I'm taking to her.
"Y-yeah, I'm fine. Why?"
"Because in a month or two you'll have a pretty hard decision to make. Any thoughts?"
I can tell by the expression on her face that she really doesn't know.
"I— I don't know, I have no idea. I've never had to make a decision like this before, it's crazy."
I grasp her small hand, "I know."
"I'm just so scared for what awaits me at home. I know things will probably be different between me and my friend now that they've been without me for so long. And then there's him..."
"I know honey. I don't know what to tell you. Just try and focus on right now, worry about the future in the future."
"Okay," she gives me a weak smile.
I give her a tap on the top of her head as I walk away, leaving her to finish her work.
Although I told her not to focus on the future, I can't get it of my mind.
In about two or three weeks, she can walk in her boot. Four weeks later, she'll hopefully walk normally again for the first time in like 3 months. After that, she'll probably go home. I can't see her staying here when her parents and best friend are in New York. I fear for her safety because of that one kid.
I decide to do something I know Maya will be angry about when she finds out, but it's the best thing to do.
I dial a number into my phone.
"Hello, Mr. Matthews? It's Morgan Hart."
"Hello! How is Maya doing?"
"She's been doing better! Can I ask you something?"
"What do you know about the student Charlie Gardener...?"
I explain everything to him, leaving him in complete shock. Of course, he had hurt about the fight between him and Maya's friend Lucas, but apparently not the threats that caused it.
"Wow, I- I don't know how to react," he says, "he really abused her like that?"
"Yeah, I still can't believe it myself. I know Maya would never lie about something like that though."
"So nobody knew?"
"There was this one kid who helped her, Zay, I think? That's it though."
"Well, I'll be sure to have a talk with him along with Charlie this afternoon. My wife is a lawyer so I'll have her look into his family's records too, just in case."
"Okay, great. And please don't tell Riley or anyone yet. Maya will already be so upset that I told you, I don't want to make it worse."
"Of course, we'll respect her privacy."
"Thank you sooo much, Mr. Matthews!"
"Anytime! Now you take care of poor Maya will ya?"
"Okay, bye and thanks!"
I hang up, satisfied that hopefully everything will be taken care of. I want her going home to feel safe and loved, not to be beat up once again.

guys all i wanna do is watch pitch perfect 3 again and cry forever why doesn't it come out on digital until thursday? THATS TOO LONG
lmao sorry about that
here's a long overdue Morgan POV chapter that is pretty ok i guess😂

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