A Riley Visit

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Maya's POV

~Thursday— 4am~
I wake up in tears. I'm not sure if it's because of my throbbing ankle or another nightmare.
I turn to go back to sleep and Morgan suddenly sits beside me, causing me to jump.
She's been sleeping on the other couch downstairs just to be safe.
"I heard you crying again. You okay, honey?"
I sniff, "Yeah, it just hurts."
"That much?" she says, concerned.
"I probably had I nightmare too. I've been getting them a lot lately."
"That's weird. What are they about?"
"I don't really remember, there's so many of them."
"Awh, do you wanna talk about it? I can make some tea for us."
"That's okay. Tea sounds pretty good though."
She turns the kitchen light on and starts the kettle.
I sit there trying to gather my thoughts. She hand me a mug and I fall asleep before I can finish it.
• • • •
~Saturday Morning~
Today Riley is coming and I'm honestly so excited.
So is she, apparently she made her dad wake up at five am so she could get here sooner.
I'm still not really supposed to do anything including leaving the couch, (except for going to the bathroom and getting changed) but Morgan made an exception and is letting me sit in the front room to watch for Riley.
At last, I see Mr. Matthews' van pull in to the driveway. Morgan jumps up to open the door as I watch Riley skipping up to the door. Matthews follows, Riley's purple suitcase in hand.
Morgan greets her with a hug.
"Hi, I'm Morgan!"
Riley grins, "Where's Maya?"
She catches a glimpse of me in the front room. Her eyes light up immediately.
"PEACHES!" she squeals.
She runs over and carefully gives me a hug.
"Hey, Honey. I missed you!"
Cory comes in after a little chat with Morgan.
"Hi Maya, how are you?"
"I'm getting better," I smile.
"Here, come sit down," Morgan tells him.
I text Olivia telling her to come down. She said she'll be down in a sec.
"How did the surgery go?" Mr. Matthews asks.
"It didn't go as well as we had hoped, but everything is fine now. There's just this constant lingering pain."
He smiles and nods understandingly.
Olivia appears from behind him.
Riley gasps, "Is that her?! Is that Olivia? Hi! I'm Riley!"
"Hey, Riley! I've heard a lot about you."
"You too!"
They started chatting excitedly; I knew they would hit it off. Matthews talks to me and Morgan about surgery and online school. I'm supposed to start next week, at least it's something to do.
After a while, Ben comes down. Much to his disappointment, Auggie isn't here. Mr. Matthews assures him that he can come when he picks Riley up.
He eventually leaves and Morgan makes me go back to my couch.
Me, Riley, and Olivia talk for ages about anything and everything. It's such a relief that we all get along. Ben hangs around for a little bit too.
The three of us (and Ben sometimes) manage to keep ourselves busy all day. Morgan is really happy we get along so well.
After dinner, we watch Pitch Perfect 1 and 2. (A/N ik, ik, i can see you rolling your eyes😂 I CANT STOP)
Ben wants us to call him "Benji" now because in the movies there's a guy named Benjamin who goes by Benji.
Riles and Liv set up a bunch of couch cushions and pillows to make beds one the floor. I want a floor bed too, but Morgan isn't taking any chances.
The three of us stay up late whispering and giggling. It's an aca-mazing distraction from my ankle— and everything else.
We eventually fall asleep and for the first time in ages, I sleep nightmare-free.

hello sorry all i ever do is reference pitch perfect oml i'm obsessed😂
also, after i finish this i am lowkey considering writing a pp fanfic... and i'm currently listening to it's soundtrack🙄
i hope you enjoyed this shorter fun chapter!

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