How you get the girl.

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I was sitting on the cushioned seat of the bay window at the coffee shop, staring out at the city, and sipping my coffee. It was all so peaceful, especially because the whole place was practically empty, and I was enjoying the silence.

Until this happened; "Hey! Hey, you! I need a favor!"

I turned my head away from the window and saw a guy standing directly in front of me, trying to catch his breath.

"Me?" I questioned.

"Yeah. You. I need a favor." He said, still catching his breath. He had obviously rushed in and ran to me, otherwise he wouldn't be so out of breath.

"A favor?" I sat up a little, setting my coffee mug down. "From a stranger?"

"Yeah," he said. "Sorry, uh, I'm yungblud."

"Excuse me?" I raised my eyebrow a little, knowing good and well that couldn't be somebody's actual name.

"Right. Uh. I meant Dominic." He said with an awkward laugh. "My name's Dominic Harrison."

I snickered a bit. "You mean like the basketball player?"

"No," he said. "No, no, I'm not him."

"Obviously." I crossed my arms as I stood up from the bay window to face him. "Is your name seriously Dominic Harrison?"

"Well, yeah. You didn't think it was actually yungblud, did you?"

I rolled my eyes a little. Did he really think I was that dumb? "No. Do I look like I thought that was your name?"

He let out a small nervous laugh. "No, of course not. I'm just.. okay, look. I really need a favor."

"What is it?" I questioned.

"I need you to be my fiancé." He said and I snickered a bit.

"Seriously? You're asking a random stranger to marry you?" I said, pulling my hair into a ponytail. "That's honestly pathetic."

"No, no, I mean like my.. fake fiancé? Completely fake." Dominic said and I sighed some. "See, I told my parents that I was engaged, but at that time I thought I wasn't going home for Christmas."

"And now your schedule has cleared up and you are going home for the holidays, right?" I said and he nodded a bit.

"Yeah," he admitted. "So, please, can you do it?"

"Alright. Fine." I said with a sigh. "But I don't have a ring I could use."

"What?" He said.

"A ring. Dominic, if I was actually engaged to you, don't you think I'd have a ring?" I said and he practically face-palmed.

"Yeah, that's right." He said with an awkward laugh. "I guess I'll have to find you one."

"And did you tell your parents the name of your fiancé, or do I get to go by my actual name?" I asked.

"No, I didn't tell them a name. So, I guess we could use your name. Which is...?"

"Kandice." I said and he smiled a bit.

"Alright then, Kandice. Let's go find you a ring."

This was honestly all so weird to me, but I had nothing better to do, so why not?

"So do I have to pretend to be a certain way or can I just be myself?" I asked and he shrugged a little.

"No, I didn't really tell them much. I just told them that I met a girl at park hill and we fell in love." He said and I raised my eyebrow.

"Um, Park Hill? As in Park Hill Recreation Ground?" I said and he nodded a little. "Uh, that's in London."

"Well, yeah. Where else do you think Park Hill would be?" Dominic said with a weird grin.

"Well, that'll be hard to pull off." I muttered.

"What?" He questioned--clearly not knowing what I said.

"Nothing. Where does your family live?" I questioned.

"Doncaster." He responded.

"DONCASTER?" I said with wide eyes.

"Doncaster." Dominic repeated.

"England?!" I questioned and he nodded some.

"Yeah, England."

"Uh, so, you go to Nashville, TN and pick a random girl in a tiny coffee shop to take to London with you to pretend to be your fiancé?" I said and he shrugged a little.

"Well, yeah, I just-"

"Dominic, I can't fucking pay for even the cheapest plane ticket to go there. I'm broke as hell!" I interrupted.

"I'll pay for it. I'm paying for everything. Don't you worry." Dominic said and I sighed some.

"You better not be fucking kidding."

"I'm not." He said. "I promise."

"Um, you have to pinky promise, okay?" I said jokingly and he let out a small laugh before linking his pinky finger with mine.

"I pinky swear." He said, looking into my eyes for just a moment.

"I said that you have to pinky promise. Not pinky swear. Now I can't trust you." I said with a grin.

"Oh, damn. I've broken your trust. Now you won't ever marry me. I'll be sad and lonely when you leave me at the altar." He said and I laughed a bit.

"Shut the fuck up." I said and he shook his head some.

"Would you stop saying that word?" He said and I sighed a little.

"Sorry. I didn't know you don't like that word." I apologized.

"Are you kidding? It's like my favorite word ever." Dominic said and I raised my brow.

"Then why the fuck did you tell me to stop saying it?" I asked.

"Because I'm running out of chances to say it. You keep saying it before I can." He put his hands in his pockets as we continued to walk and talk. "Totally not fair."

"Oh, I think it's very fair." I teased.

"Just shut the fuck up, yeah?"

"Oh, don't be a prick." I said with a small laugh.

"I think we're both being pricks right now." 

"I guess." I said. "When do we leave to go to your family's place?"

"Tonight." He said.

"Tonight?!" I started to panic.

"Yep. So after we get your ring, we need to go to your place and get you packed then we need to leave."

"Oh dear god," I whispered to myself.

Park Hill Romance •yungblud/Dominic harrison•Where stories live. Discover now