Sweet little something.

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"Pst," a voice whispered, gently pushing a strand of my brunette hair out of my face. "Kandice." The voice continued.

"No, mommy, I want sleep." I grumbled sleepily, pushing away the hand of whoever it was that was trying to wake me, thinking it was my mother.

"I don't know how the hell you think I sound even remotely similar to your mother." The voice said and I slowly opened one eye to look at him. It was Dominic, and he was knelt down in front of me. I must've fallen asleep on the couch. "Ah, there's one of those pretty green eyes. Where's the other one?"

"Fuck you, I'm sleepy." I said and he chuckled a little.

"I think you want to get up, love." He said with a slight grin.

"Why?" I questioned, opening my other eye for just a second.

"It's Christmas." Dominic said quietly. I don't think I had ever heard him speak that softly since we had first met. He tended to be quite loud-mouthed, but in more of a cute way rather than an annoying way. "Get upppp."

"God, you're acting like a child on Christmas morning who just can't wait to open his presents." I whispered and he grinned a little.

I pushed the blanket off of me and stood up from the couch, then stretched my legs a little bit. "How long had I been sleeping?"

"Uh, almost two hours." Dominic said and I raised my eyebrow slightly.

"Really?" I asked and Dominic nodded his head a little.

"Yep. I honestly didn't really want to wake you, but, y'know.." He trailed off for a second and I snickered a little.

"It's fine. I'm gonna go shower real quick, if that's okay." I said and he nodded a bit.

"Yeah, that's fine. My parents will be down any minute now, so, we'll all just wait for you." Dominic said and I sighed a little.

"Well, I don't want to keep them, or you, waiting or anything. I'll just wait about taking a shower." I said and started to sit back down.

"Don't worry about it. Go ahead and take your shower. We'll be fine." Dominic said and I looked at him with a 'are-you-sure' kind of look, and he just nodded a bit.

"Okay, okay. I'll be back in a little bit." I said and patted his cheek a couple times with the palm of my hand before walking up the stairs.

As I walked into Dominic's bedroom to get some clothes from my bag, I couldn't help but keep thinking of this situation I'm in, and how real it seems. It almost feels like we don't even have to pretend we love each other. I mean, we get along so well, and I really-


I turned around to see who was standing at the door, and smiled a little when I saw that it was Dominic's father.

"Oh, hi, Mr. Harrison. Is everything alright?" I said and he nodded a little.

"Of course. I just heard someone in here and I was wondering whether it was you or Dom." He said and I smiled a little, not really sure of what to say. "I figured it was you, though, because you're so quiet."

I slung my change of clothes over my arm and cocked my head a little as I looked at him. "I am?"

"Yes. You take such light steps. Dominic just practically stomps all over the place.

I couldn't help but laugh at that. He was right. Dominic did put his feet down pretty hard when he walked. He was quite loud, so you usually knew when he entered the room. Which is what surprised me last night, because I hadn't heard him walk in the living room. But, that may have just been because I was deep in thought.


After my shower, I had slipped on my clothes real quick and then rushed down the stairs, to the living room. I apologized for taking so long in the shower, to which they insisted I didn't take long at all, and then I sat down next to Dominic.

Dominic and I were sitting on the floor, next to the Christmas tree, and his parents were on the couch. I smiled as I watched them exchange gifts, and was a little surprised when Dominic handed something to me-- whatever it was, was neatly wrapped in red wrapping paper and had a gold bow on it.

"Um, what's this?" I asked and he smiled a little.

"It's your gift. Open it." He said and I hesitantly took the gift in my hands, staring at it for a moment.

I kept staring at it for a little while, at a loss for words. Dominic had gotten me a gift? When did he do that? And why? I suddenly started to feel a little guilty, because I hadn't gotten him anything.

"Seriously, open it." Dominic said and I took in a deep breath.

I slowly peeled at the corners of the wrapping paper, not knowing what to expect. When I had completely unwrapped the gift, it's like I stopped breathing for a moment. I just stared at it with tears building up in my eyes.

"What is it, sweetie?" Dominic's mother asked.

I sniffed a bit and quickly wiped any tears that tried to escape and held the gift up to show her what it was. "His Led Zeppelin vinyl." I said softly, letting a few tears roll down my cheeks.

Dominic's parents just glanced at each other, obviously not knowing why I was crying over an album, then Dominic's mother reached her hand out and placed her hand on my forearm sympathetically.

"I can't take this, Dom. This is yours." I said and tried to hand it to him.

"No, stop. It's yours now. It has a lot more meaning to you than it does for me." Dominic said and I drew in a breath. "Listen to it when you're missing him. It'll help."

It was at that moment that I realized that Dominic knew why I was acting the way I was about the album the night before. He knew about my dad.

"How did you-"

"It's not hard to pick up on, love." Dominic said and I smiled a bit before scooting closer to him and wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Thank you." I whispered in his ear, then kissed his cheek. "It means a lot to me. Really."

"Um, Kandice, sweetie. We have a gift for you, too." Dominic's mom said and I turned my head to look at her.

"What? You didn't have to do that." I said.

"I wanted to. Come here." She said as she stood up from the couch, motioning for me to follow her.

I glanced at Dominic and he shrugged a little, obviously he didn't know what was going on either. I stood up to follow Mrs. Harrison, and Dominic stood up too.

"No, you stay here, Dominic. Just Kandice." She said, looking at him for a moment.

Dominic sighed a bit and sat back down. I glanced back at him for a moment and took a breath as I followed Mrs. Harrison. She had led me to her bedroom, and had gone to grab something from her closet.

I stared at the wall awkwardly as I waited patiently for her to come back with whatever she was getting.

"I'm not quite sure of your size, but I think this would be about right."

I turned to face her, and was taken aback at what she was holding. I put my hands over my mouth for a second and stared at it. It was beautiful.

Park Hill Romance •yungblud/Dominic harrison•Where stories live. Discover now