At Watford: Penny's POV Chapter 28/29

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So today is the first day of Tumblr's carryon-countdown ( and I decided I would, in fact, come back to fanfiction for a while to write in it. Here is my writing for the first day:

Written on November 23, 2017


    I sigh, realizing what I'm going to hear about for the next month or so. Or whenever Baz does something that ticks Simon off even more so.

    "See, he came back, he must be a spy!" I'll hear within the next hour or so. "He's trying to kill me! Again!" I'll hear tomorrow. "I can't stand him!" I'll hear all year. It's always Baz, Baz, Baz with Simon and honestly, I can't bloody stand it.

    Every so often, he will have a point: Baz did try to kill him with that chimera in our third year, and Baz did try to take his voice away in our fifth year. But most of the time this is just Simon's obsession. Following him around the ramparts at night, saying he's a vampire, proving he's a vampire, if you ask me, they are all just excuses for why he really is obsessed with Baz.

Simon rushes up and out of his chair the moment he sees Baz across the room. It would've fallen over if I hadn't spelled it back up.

    It's not just Simon's obsession. Baz is slightly less obsessed with annoying Simon. No one just uses open sesame because they feel like it.

    It takes ages but finally, Simon sits down at my insistence. He was still standing after Baz had sat down and fixed his plate even.

    Unbelievable, and just when I thought I was making progress with Simon to move on.

Carry On Countdown Day One One-ShotWhere stories live. Discover now