(Pssst, if you want quality art, you may want to skip the first several chapters. The improvement over the course of this book is like a giant mood swing, I gotta tell you,,)
Oi, how are ya! Welcome to my first compilation of what I occupy myself wi...
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SHE'S NOT A PAPILLION, I SWEAR 😂 She's actually a toy Australian Shepherd (she's not a toy toy, she's a dwarf X'D) Anyway though, it was her first birthday today, so to celebrate I drew a picture of her and I am once again plunged into a phase of realism XD I'm actually quite happy with how this turned out, except the white chest floof AND I JUST REALIZED I FORGOT ONE PART DANGIT
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Okay, now it's done. Also how did it get so much darker in less than five minutes...? ANYWAY I hope you likey my child, Terra. And expect at least one more work of realism to be posted :) (My drawing phases don't last super long) Also, here's a list of things about her to make you understand her odd poses and googley eyes better :3
-Loves people -Pees when excited, scared, or when she thinks she's in trouble, but immediately feels bad.... Poor lil cupcake -Has been described as that one dog that would help a burglar instead of try to harm them -An absolute sweetheart, and she never barks -She lick you to death -My precious little bab who, currently, just so happened to be wearing a dress with a picture of a cupcake :3