(Pssst, if you want quality art, you may want to skip the first several chapters. The improvement over the course of this book is like a giant mood swing, I gotta tell you,,)
Oi, how are ya! Welcome to my first compilation of what I occupy myself wi...
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Made this a few days ago with my new Wacom (pronounced Whack 'Em >:3 ) tablet! Also, whoop-t-doo, I'm older now :,3
Thankfully, not much has been going on.... At all, really. Since it's so close to the end of my school year now, there are pretty much only two or three things to work on in all subjects, one of those being art-related, sooooo I'm a happy people :3 The art-related project is actually pretty fun, too; it's sort of a movie trailer thing, and the group of my friends decided to do it on Into the Wild from Warriors :D So each of us (actually just Sneefanie, Darkestheart000 and I) are drawing pictures to put into a video thing, and my other friend who is not on Wattpad is going to do a dramatic voice-over, describing the book.
(Sadly, out of my whole group of five friends, me being one of them, I am the only one who has ever read the Warriors series *sniffles sadly* They only agreed to doing this project on Warriors because I've barely read anything else, and because my friend who is not on Wattpad thought we weren't doing a voice-over and wanted to dress up as a cat)
But so far, I've gotten three drawings done: one of Redtail, one of Firepaw holding his collar, and one of Spottedleaf receiving the very obvious prophecy about fire. I also started one of Graypaw and Ravenpaw. And, new to me, all of these pictures were done in pastel. Usually I don't like using pastel because of how messy and imprecise it is, but, if you remember the art kit I talked about a few chapters ago being left in my class, there were pastel pencils in there, and they are much, much easier and more fun to use. (If that mess of a sentence made any sense) (Forgive me; I am very tired /:3 ) But, anyway, pastels were actually surprisingly fun to draw the cats with, and I'd like to do more with them :}
(Also, I do have one of those drawings, but y'all gonna have to wait for about a week or two until I have all of them together ):3 )