Inktober Day 11: Cruel /Darktail/

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YEETI didn't think I was gonna do Inktober at all, but I whipped out a white gel pen, a sharpie, and a sharpie pen, and

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I didn't think I was gonna do Inktober at all, but I whipped out a white gel pen, a sharpie, and a sharpie pen, and... I'm happy :3

I've never made a serious finished piece like this before,, and especially WITHOUT A FIRST SKETCH IN PENCIL
Yeah, that was probably the most difficult part of this; not sketching it out in pencil first X1
But, either way, it's just Darktail casually killing ShadowClan


...As you do -v-👍


I've got another digital project in the works,, it's just hard to find time or EnErGy to make any art...
Or get off the couch ÓvÒ

But it'll be finished eventually, so.....



so, we have had to do weightlifting for a unit in gym for about a week and a half now (yeah.... Weightlifting for grade nine femalés.... Yum), and it ended yesterday (when I had intended on posting this, oops), but I woke up this morning and I have a bunch of scratch-looking marks on one of my shoulders ò^ó
And no no no, they aren't scratch marks on the surface; they are most likely literal broken muscles inside my shoulder from apparently lifting the equivalent of a killer whale inside a school bus yesterday (something around 28,000Lb)


Hhhhhhh I'm so tired ô^ô

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