Berryleaf Reference Sheet

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I've never made an actual reference sheet before :,)Her design is a bit different because I was arted out yesterday but I still wanted to art, but when I tried (didn't actually try) the cat looked like a pencil, but I thought the design might be a...

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I've never made an actual reference sheet before :,)
Her design is a bit different because I was arted out yesterday but I still wanted to art, but when I tried (didn't actually try) the cat looked like a pencil, but I thought the design might be a keeper, so......
Berryleaf has been born >:D

Also, Wattpad's been being stupid lately, but I'm pretty sure everybody's noticed by now
Hoping that this won't be sucked into the infinite abyss of nothingness known as Glitchpad :,)

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