Tagged & Realistic Cat Drawing (Gift) /Edited/

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A'ight, so, PhantomNekoChan  tagged me, sooooo here's thirteen facts about myself;

1. I used to be obsessed with owls and the Guardians of Ga'Hoole book series in grade three and four
2. I have probably said this before, but I am currently in grade eight
3. I have also probably mentioned this before, but I was bullied in grade four (depwessing)
4. I had virtually no real friends until grade five (I'm lonely, I know)
5. Since grade five, somehow I have managed to make *counts on fingers* about five friends that I still hang out with
almost every day *pointedly looks at kiyojinnie *
6. My favourite lunch is a rice-and-shredded cheese wrap with a spinach tortilla (I'm so cool hahaha)
7. I despise singing and dancing
8. I plan on becoming an artist as well as an author when I am older
9. *crawls into a corner, embarssed* Until somewhere in the middle of grade seven, I COULD NOT FOR THE LIFE OF
ME SPELL THE HECKING WORD "colour" (Canadian spelling [sorry, rest of the world hahaha])
I SPELLED IT "couler"


*clears throat* moving on
10. Over the course of my life (that sounds really unintentionally dark whoa), I have owned three dogs
11. *pulls paper bag over head in shame* In grade four, I made up my own series of symbols, each representing a letter
of the alphabet, and called it *************ese (has my name in it 'an I'm not ready to expose myself)
Aaaaand I may or may not still use this code as well as two other codes I made recently
Pffft, I'm not lame, what're you talkin' about
12. I participated in wrestling tournaments at my school for three years before realizing I was a human toothpick and
13. I have old granny hands

And I'll just tag a couple people here to do this as well....


Aaand by a couple, I obviously meant one ;v;



Also, I just went back and read those facts about myself and I made myself sound like an absolute freak XD

I'm not, though, guys, I promise


kiyojinnie : Oi, Fuzzy
Fuzzy: *turns around* *groans*
kiyojinnie : You're a cloud
Fuzzy: *covers face with hands*
kiyojinnie : *swings head back* You're a pizza crust, Fuzzyyyyyyyy
Fuzzy: *pulls paper bag over head*

Hahaha I just proved myself wrong

Oh, well. I hope you got lots of notifications from our imaginary conversation that you had no part in, kiyojinnie

Also, I'll edit some art into this chapter eventually (as the title implies)
Buuuut it most likely won't be digital because I just haven't felt like it lately. (I lied. I want to, but I don't quite know how to like I want to...... *shrugs*)
Also also, I promise I'll have some actually coloured (spelled CORRECTLY) art posted eventually :,3


Okay, bye


I'm actually pretty happy right now,,

I've spent the last two and a half hours working on this, and I'm actually pretty happy with how it turned out

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I've spent the last two and a half hours working on this, and I'm actually pretty happy with how it turned out. Especially considering this took a significantly less amount of time than the doggo drawing from my art class.
I also, before I started drawing, told myself to finish this drawing by 4:00 (started at 1:30), and somehow I did???
How this happened, I will never know, but uh- I'm happy, so that's pretty ding dang good, I think

This drawing is also a gift for my grandmother for mothers' day tomorrow. (Cuttin' it a bit close, as always :,3)

And before I forget, I'm almost done working on a digital project that I started pretty much the day after I said I wouldn't be doing any digital art for a while as well :3

I'd ramble more, but I have to go bop elsewhere :,3

Hope y'all like my kitto...... Catto...?


I'll work on it X3

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