(Pssst, if you want quality art, you may want to skip the first several chapters. The improvement over the course of this book is like a giant mood swing, I gotta tell you,,)
Oi, how are ya! Welcome to my first compilation of what I occupy myself wi...
A'ight, so, PhantomNekoChan tagged me, sooooo here's thirteen facts about myself;
1. I used to be obsessed with owls and the Guardians of Ga'Hoole book series in grade three and four 2. I have probably said this before, but I am currently in grade eight 3. I have also probably mentioned this before, but I was bullied in grade four (depwessing) 4. I had virtually no real friends until grade five (I'm lonely, I know) 5. Since grade five, somehow I have managed to make *counts on fingers* about five friends that I still hang out with almost every day *pointedly looks at kiyojinnie * 6. My favourite lunch is a rice-and-shredded cheese wrap with a spinach tortilla (I'm so cool hahaha) 7. I despise singing and dancing 8. I plan on becoming an artist as well as an author when I am older 9. *crawls into a corner, embarssed* Until somewhere in the middle of grade seven, I COULD NOT FOR THE LIFE OF ME SPELL THE HECKING WORD "colour" (Canadian spelling [sorry, rest of the world hahaha]) I SPELLED IT "couler"
*clears throat* moving on 10. Over the course of my life (that sounds really unintentionally dark whoa), I have owned three dogs 11. *pulls paper bag over head in shame* In grade four, I made up my own series of symbols, each representing a letter of the alphabet, and called it *************ese (has my name in it 'an I'm not ready to expose myself) Aaaaand I may or may not still use this code as well as two other codes I made recently Pffft, I'm not lame, what're you talkin' about 12. I participated in wrestling tournaments at my school for three years before realizing I was a human toothpick and quit 13. I have old granny hands
And I'll just tag a couple people here to do this as well.... kiyojinnie
Aaand by a couple, I obviously meant one ;v;
Also, I just went back and read those facts about myself and I made myself sound like an absolute freak XD
I'm not, though, guys, I promise
kiyojinnie : Oi, Fuzzy Fuzzy: *turns around* *groans* kiyojinnie : You're a cloud Fuzzy: *covers face with hands* kiyojinnie : *swings head back* You're a pizza crust, Fuzzyyyyyyyy Fuzzy: *pulls paper bag over head*
Hahaha I just proved myself wrong Oops
Oh, well. I hope you got lots of notifications from our imaginary conversation that you had no part in, kiyojinnie >:3
Also, I'll edit some art into this chapter eventually (as the title implies) Buuuut it most likely won't be digital because I just haven't felt like it lately. (I lied. I want to, but I don't quite know how to like I want to...... *shrugs*) Also also, I promise I'll have some actually coloured (spelled CORRECTLY) art posted eventually :,3
Okay, bye
I'm actually pretty happy right now,,
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I've spent the last two and a half hours working on this, and I'm actually pretty happy with how it turned out. Especially considering this took a significantly less amount of time than the doggo drawing from my art class. I also, before I started drawing, told myself to finish this drawing by 4:00 (started at 1:30), and somehow I did??? How this happened, I will never know, but uh- I'm happy, so that's pretty ding dang good, I think
This drawing is also a gift for my grandmother for mothers' day tomorrow. (Cuttin' it a bit close, as always :,3)
OH And before I forget, I'm almost done working on a digital project that I started pretty much the day after I said I wouldn't be doing any digital art for a while as well :3
Oof I'd ramble more, but I have to go bop elsewhere :,3