(Pssst, if you want quality art, you may want to skip the first several chapters. The improvement over the course of this book is like a giant mood swing, I gotta tell you,,)
Oi, how are ya! Welcome to my first compilation of what I occupy myself wi...
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I managed to cram working on this in around high school, and it took me roughly two or three weeks to complete. Not bad, I guess, considering I'm always RIGHT tired and unable to even connect my drawing tablet to my computer
But, anyway, this drawing features Lilycreek of JourneyClan (O.C, of course) reflecting (hehe get it) on her past life in WhisperClan, where she basically went full Mapleshade and murdered her mate who decided to stop having a forbidden romance with her even though they already had kits. Then, after he was dead, she drowned her kits in a creek, unable to deal with how they resembled Rushcurl (the dead mate). Then she realized oh heck, that was probably illegal and she ran to JourneyClan's cliff and jumped off. Not to be confused with Mapleshade and/or the story of Firestar and looking at Bramblestar's face ^v^
But yeah, anyways, I wasn't fibbing about art slowing down I SO don't appreciate high school! This semester, I have Grade 10 band (I took an extra-curricular grade 9 band class in grade 8, I believe I've mentioned it before), Science, Geography, and Phys. Ed, A.K.A Gym, as normal humans say it. I mean, next semester will be worse with homework, but I GET SCIENCE HOMEWORK ALMOST EVERY DAY PFFFFFFFF IM NOT USED TO THAT, HECK and then, when I get home, not only am I exhausted from gym, but I have stinkin homework to do, so there's barely any room for art, sadly. I know I was lucky in earlier grades in getting pretty much no homework, so high school is killing me slowly ;v; But, there's not exactly anything I can do about it, sooooooooo I'll just try not to die, and throw some art in here and there óvò
Storytime Oh, and speaking of dying, we got to watch an absolutely lovely movie in Science class called The Andromeda Strain There were at least five gory deaths every half-hour of the four hour-long (ish) movie duo. It was pretty much about a whole town dying within about five minutes due to an infectious disease, and a team of scientists have to find a way to get rid of it before everyone on the WHOLE PLANET DIES (uplifting, I know)
Warning: Description of my suffering ahead! (It gets gory up in here) I got to see about 200- 300 people die from the disease, with lots of screaming and the veins bulging out in their head, one person's wrist getting high-key sliced open (now whenever I think about it I sit on my hands to hide my wrists), lots and lots of people getting shot, one person decapitated themselves very gorily with a chainsaw, one person poured gasoline over themselves and then burned themselves alive, one person got struck in the head with debris and then fell to the bottom of a pit and there was a way-too-long shot of their bloody corpse floating in the water, another person went to the bottom of that pit, cut off the corpse's thumb, then drowned (probably so they didn't have to see the rest of the movie), aaaaaannd..... I was FORCED to watch this, by the way, because there was WORK along with it, so that was lovely
Now, if there was no work to go along with this, I would NEVER have watched this stupid movie, buuuut.... Yeah, going from the scariest movie I've ever watched being Ms. Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children to this was NOT AN ENJOYABLE EXPERIENCE, LET ME TELL YOU Ilowkeyhadtohaveadisneymoviemarathonjusttobalanceitout,,,,
BUT ENOUGH DEPRESSING STUFF let's just, uh, finish this off with a good 'ol humorous story from my music class
So, my teacher is kinda strict and yells a lot, but we were having a pretty good class. We just finished playing a section of a song, and after the band had been quiet for a minute while my teacher talked, some guy from the back of the class farted, and they all ran scared in different directions, pointing fingers and blaming each other for it Now, one of those guys gets sent into the hall a lot and has proven to be a pain in the butt, so, naturally the teacher sent him INTO THE HALL FOR A NATURAL BODILY FUNCTION HHHHHHHH actually WHO gets sent into the hall for FARTING OH MY GWADNESS and by the way, it turned out that it wasn't even him that did it, so that just made it that much worse X1
I was trying so hard not to laugh because I thought the teacher would send me out into the hall, too XD
Anyway, with that lovely note, see ya later (hopefully I'll have more art to post sooner than later ✌️)