Creamsicle Rock Painting

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I just realized that title was kinda weird, oof

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I just realized that title was kinda weird, oof...

Well, this is a painting of one of my koi that survived last winter; Creamsicle
He a chubby boi :3

This actually didn't take too long to paint, either; only about 4 hours, including breaks
I'm pretty happy with this, which I'm surprised about, considering I hated it to start out with; I had to sketch it out roughly with pencil, and since I could barely see it (I'm not blind, I swear), I was getting angsty because I thought the proportions were wrong. And the acrylic was reacting to the rock in a way I wasn't used to, and it just looked sketchy and... Bad.
But let this be a lesson to you: even if you hate the drawing you're working on, keep going with it until it's done, because you may wind up liking it in the end ^v^

Also, I painted something extremely similar to this last year.... Let's just look at a comparison for a second, shall we?

 Let's just look at a comparison for a second, shall we?

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New ^^



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Welp, I think I think I might have improved just a little since last summer >vo👌

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