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Jungkook had always been  conscious of his looks and body. Being in the idol industry from such a young age was hard even for an experienced artist like him. His mind could only take so much negative remarks and comments before he would burst. All these years he was grateful for having such great brothers to look up to. But sometimes he looked up to BTS as more than his hyungs. It was a feeling he couldn't express. 

However, Jungkook was at his final straw clinging on to whatever sanity he had left before he finally accepted his little self as himself. He recognized that he was indeed a little however a very insecure little at that. He was confident with himself as a little but if his secret were to be revealed, he would probably be the most insecure person in the room. 

His little secret was very much his own and it had not been revealed to his band members yet. Jungkook would go on his little space adventures only when he made sure that he was alone with his dorm. 

These recent days, Jungkook's hyungs had takes notice of the subtle changes in his behaviours. Like how he tried his best to isolate himself and tried to avoid group gatherings other than practice. This had bothered everyone in BTS as they thought jungkook no longer wanted to hang out with them. 

Jungkook had stopped interacting with his hyungs  recently.He was always cooped up in his room and looked stressed out. It was hard toignre the harsh dark circles under his eyes. All of this was because of Jungkook had not been in his safe heaven for more than a month and it was taking a toll on his body and mind.

His hyungs had noticed about his sudden change in his behavior. Jungkook was getting more snappy and frustrated. With this the concerns regarding his health was also increasing.

Jungkook' POV

My hyungs just left for doing some shopping so it is the perfect time to relieve my stress. I think they wouldn't be back before 6:00 and it is 5:00 right now. Sp, i have plenty time to be in ittle space.

To ease my self into little space quicker, I wore my cute pikachu onesie and then took my cute sippy cup and filled it with warm milk. Then I set 'Moana' on the TV as I wanted to watch a lot.
I slowly fell into my little space as I suckled my sippy cup wearing my cute onesie while my favourite movie played in the background.

"Kookie  wants paci", I  said searching for my pretty pink pacifer that i secretly bought not so long ago. I took Mr.fluffy, my white bunny and ran to watch the movie.Hyungssaid i looked as adorable as my bunny. The milk made me drownsy so i fell asleep in the living room.

Jin's POV
I went to shopping with my band mates. We had a bang shopping together.Everybody was smiling and laughing but all of us noticed the absence of our little maknae. He has been very distant to us lately and we hope it is just a phase. If only he was here it would be a lot more fun, I thought. 

We were done with our shopping a lot quicker than we thought. Since Jungkook was left out, we decided to bring him lamb skewers. I am sure he will love eating it. However, we all were clueless  to the fact that bangtan would change after what we would see in the living room of our dorm that afternoon.

"We brought you lamb skewers, KOOKIE." Hoseok shouted. But this time Jungkook didn't come to greet our arrival which was odd.  

Once we entered the living space, we saw the cutest thing alive. It was none other than my baby kookie wearing a cute onesie sucking his pink  pacifier.He looked so cute and peaceful. Totally different from the anxious jungkook we see everyday. I was so amused to our usually tough maknae in this state.

"COULD HE BE THE LITTLE THAT BANGTAN ALWAYS WANTED?", I screamed at the top of my lungs waking up the poor baby. I can't express how excited and thrilled i am.

"What the fuck jinnie", Namjoon cursed at my loud tone.

Before I could say anything more I saw my Jungkook waking up. He cutely rubbed his eyes with his tiny hands. His calm face twisted in to a frown and then he started crying.

'H-hyungie. S-sorry. P-please k-kookie didn't meant i-it", Jungkook's lip wobbled finally bursting into tears upon realization of our arrival. It hurt my hear to see him in this state.

"No baby. Don't cry. You are such a good boy for hyung, arent you? Now cheer up for us", I said soothing my baby.

"Then you d-don't hate me.", he said with big doe eyes with melted my heart and other members who were looking at him with heart eyes. The other boys and I always wanted a little to take care is especially Jungkook since he was always sweet and adorable behind his tough facade .And god has fulfilled my wish today.

"Hey guys wanna hold Jungkook for me? I am gonna make him a bottle.", I said.

"Yes", they all shouted at once.I am so glad we are such a good a family.


Hey guys it's my first ff. Hope you like it.

Well i have made some obvious changes in this chapter. I am thinking of rewriting this series but the story background will remain the same. I have update my style of writing. Thank you for supporting me all along. 

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