Chapter 1

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We couldn't believe our eyes that Jungkook is a little. It is obvious for us to have a liking over Jungkook. He is cute and manly. His beauty doesn't fail to sway us. His cute button nose, big glassy doll eyes, small pouty lips, chubby cheeks and his god carved boy. He truly is a definition of art.

If you wanna know all the bts members would like to have a baby boy to love and cherish. So now we got a perfect baby, we wish he will choose us as his daddy. 

Taehyung's POV

I hurriedly went to straddle my little baby. He looks so cute looking at me with his big shiny eyes. I feel my heart warm as i look at him.

"Do you wanna be my caregiver?", He asked looking at me with big doe eyes.

"Of course baby. We all love you so much". All the members were giving me stares of jealousy. And I was obviously enjoying all the attention.
"R-really? Kookie wanna have you all as my daddy. P-pretty please."
"YES", They all shouted at my ear and that the moment i realized that my hearing abiliy was in serious danger if i kept on living with these idiots. But i love my idiots.

Jungcock's POV 

I always wanted to be loved and cared for. My hyungs have always been there for me but not in the way i wanted. But today kookie got six daddies. It feels so unrealistic. Maybe i am just dreaming but i can't help it. I am so happy.

"Kookie loves daddies", I said feeling the happiness blossom deep in my heart.
"Of course baby we all love you too."

Then eomma gave me bottle and I was so hungry and sucking on the nipple so hard that the nipple was about come off. (don't think so perverted armys)

"Kookie don't drink too fast.", Jin warned.
I giggled at my daddy's words. After finishing the bottle my appa pat my back and I burped so loud that I continuously giggled.

After all the giggling I began to feel sleepy so I slept in my appa's lap which was so much comfortable. 


Hey guys I hope you like the second chapter of this book.please comment and you

Auther nim

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