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Jungkook woke up being cranky and a sore red and purple butt because how painful and hard jimins spranking was.
Jimin woke up early to see his little curled up in his side. He slowly lifted up the covers and Jungkook whined at the loss of contact with his daddy.

" wake up baby boy. It's time to fed you and change your clothes." Jimin said.

Jungkook slowly opened his eyes and didn't make eye contact with Jimin due to how scared he was after the hard spranking incident.
Suddenly eomma Jin entered the room and holder Jungkook carefully in his arms.
" Jimin go and take a shower i am gonna help Jungkook shower. And don't forget to complete your office work." Jin said to Jimin ignoring the fact that Jungkook was whimpering because of pain in his ass.
No one other than Jimin knew about the spranking which was Jungkook's first punishment.
"Baby boy I missed you so much. Let help my munchkin get a shower." Jin said in a motherly tone.
Kookie scrunched his nose cutely at the name of being showered. Actually he hated showering except when he was big.
Jin sat Jungkook on the bed to take out some clothes for Jungkook. Jungkook whimpered and cried at the pain from his sore butt.
Jin turned around from the walk in closet at the sound of his littles cry.
" baby what happened . Don't cry. " Jin said with concern.

Being in baby space Jungkook couldn't speak at all and try to babble but only gurgles came out. Jin happened to notice that and thought that he was just hungry.
"Oh! I see that you're hungry. Let me get you a bottle." Jin said noticing that Jungkook was in baby space.
But that wasn't what Jungkook especially wanted but he was happpy being picked by Jin cause he didn't want to sit on his purple butt.
Jin carried baby kookie to the kitchen and fed his him his bottle . But this time he didn't sat Jungkook on his high chair which was probably painful for his sore butt.
It was early in the morning so No one had wake up especially after a long day of work.
After feeding kookie Jin took him for a shower and Jin couldn't help but coo at little Jungkook's babbling on the way.
Jin sat Jungkook on his poor Butt and Jungkook screamed loudly and started bawling his eyes out due to the immense pain.
Jin didn't know what to do but he thought that kookie didn't want want to shower so he started to prep the bath.
Jin picked Jungkook up and slowly undressed him. Jin was actually shocked to see Jungkook's poor purple and red marked butt.
Jin was just staring at kookies poor butt and knew that he got a very bad first punishment from Jimin cause Jungkook was with Jimin for whole day yesterday while they were working their ass off in the office.
" how dare Jimin hurt my baby. I am gonna skin him alive and he is gonna sleep on the floor and won't get any food made by me this week for doing this to my poor kookie." Jin said.
Jin then calmed the whimpering little and helped himself to bath kookie.

After the painful butt bath Jungkook stopped crying cause Jin was putting cream on his butt which was a relief.
Jin then clanged Jungkook in cute onesie and diapers. He couldn't help but coo at the little baby.
At the mean time everyone had come downstairs to eat breakfast. Jin told everything to namjoon and told him to hold kookie being careful to not sit the little in his butt and hurt him. Jungkook was carried by his daddy and was playing with namjoon left hand and sucking on it and slowly he drifted to sleep in the lap of the elder.
Everyone stopped eating and cooed at the cute little. Jin told everyone that Jungkook had a sore butt and told them to be careful while carrying Jungkook.
They were all angered that Jungkook was hurt and were already skin Jimin alive.
Let's see what happens to jimin. Ha ha.
Auther- nim
Heya guys. I finally updated.

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