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Third person's pov

"What is jungkook doing in his room??", Jin groaned as he looked towards jungkook's door.
"Maybe he is just having a game marathon or whatever.", Hoseok yelled from across the room.

"Maybe yeah. I haven't seen my baby's face for a whole day and I can't live like this." , Jin groaned again. "It is okay babe." Hoseok hugged Jin and they cuddled to sleep afterwards.

Namjoon and suga were doing their work in their studio while Jimin and Taehyung had taken their day off to beach to release stress.

Jungkook was the only was alone in his room. He was watching videos of him on YouTube. While looking at himself, he saw his many flaws. He saw how his dance wouldn't synchronise with him band mates sometimes. He saw how unstable his voice was when he was dancing.

He looked into the mirror only to see a fat gukkie when in reality he wasn't. "I don't want to be a burden to my hyungs", jungkook wispered to himself.
"I am gonna loose weight. I am gonna do better." This time jungkook was motivated to do his best and make his hyungs proud. Not that his hyungs weren't already proud of their little bunny.


It had been a week since bangtan  had been practising for their latest comeback. Everybody was exited to hear that they would be having a comeback soon and they will be able to see their precious fans again.

Jungkook had shut himself from the whole group for some days now. He would spend most of his time in the dance studio trying to perfect his dance moves. He would only talk to his hyungs during group activities and dinner.
On the other hand, rest of bangtan were really worried about their little bunny. But they could do nothing in the meantime as they themselves were really busy. They just wanted to end their comeback soon so they could have time off with gukkie.

Jungkook had started skipping meals to get thinner. Others hadn't noticed it yet since he started wearing baggy clothes and ate with them but what they didn't know what thar jungkook was puking all that he ate. Gukkie would get a lot of compliments from his hyungs but all those compliments were empty for him.

After a full month of practicing, recording and working really hard, Bangtan's new comeback was a big hit. They were really happy to meet their fans again and really loved being in the stage again.
The comeback was successful and all of them were really happy.
But jungkook's happiness was short lived as all his hardwork for comeback was not appreciated as he saw a lot of harsh comnents left by neizens. Jungkook was just pure sad and he ended up crying and felt asleep shortly after.

"FOOD IS READY." , Jin yelled from the kitchen downstairs. Everybody came down to eat except jungkook. Jungkook was no. 1 fan of Jin's tasty food so it was suprising in for everyone seeing that jungkook was not the first one to come down running when he heard that food it ready.

"Start eating. I will go call jungkook.", Jin said. Jin could see worries in others eyes but gave them a strict look to make sure that none f them would follow him.

Jin was surprised to see Jungkook curled up in a ball. He could see jungkook's tear strained face and was heart broken. He was disappointed in himself as he couldn't notice jungkook's sadness.  He picked jungkook up and was even more surprised to see that jungkook was soo light.
Jungkook started wearing big fluffy clothes ever since the practice of comeback had started. All of them found it cute  so they could do nothing but compliment about how cute he looked but all of them failed to notice that jungkook had lost a lot of weight.

Jin caressed jungkook and pecked him on the forehead.
" I have to do something about this. We can't leave our bunny in pain.", Jin muttered under his breath. When Jin was looking around he saw that jungkook's phone was blinking so he opened it and was surprised yet again to see all the hate directed to jungkook.

Those comments were skinny shaming jungkook and pointing out every single thing jungkook did as mistakes. Now Jin knew what caused his dear jungkook that much pain. He wanted jungkook to release all the stress and give him all the love and care.

Jin went downstairs after making sure that jungkook was warm in his bed. Everybody was done eating so they were just cleaning and washing the dishes as they didn't want to get scolded by Jin for not helping him. 

After everything was done, Jin told everything he knew about what was happening to jungkook. All of them were more worried now and wanted to make up for not giving enough attention, love and care for jungkook this past month. They finalised what they would do to help their jungkookie.

As they were done talking to each other, they heard a loud cry from upstairs.

"Are you thinking what I am thinking", Taehyung yelled.
"Well, YEAH.", Everybody yelled back.


I finally updated. Thank you guys for so much love and thank you for 80k reads.
I love you all.
From your potato. ♡♡♡♡♡♡

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