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Third person's POV

A sleepy yoongi was cuddled upto hoseok's side. Hoseok looked lovingly at his little boyfriend continuing to admire him for what seemed like hours. Hoseok loved yoongi with all his heart and wanted what was the best for him. He wanted yoongi to come out of his little closet and get the attention he deserved as a little.

But yoongi was too shy and insecure. Yoongi was scared of other's opinion of what they thought of him so he always presented a closed and cold demeanor of himself. At the end, he was just a insecure baby who needed care, attention and love.

Yoongi had suffered a traumatic past leaving him with countless mental and physical scars. Yoongi's childhood was a mess. He was verbally and physically abused by his family and friends. Having a mother who completely neglected him while his father continued to abuse him physically and mentally didn't help much. At last, he ended up leaving his home only to be found out by bighit who rescued and loved him and helped him stand on his own. After all these years Yoongi's mother had tried to crawl back into his life after he had gained fame and money. This revived all the traumas he was able to hide skillfully until it was discovered by hoseok.

Hoseok had found little yoongi crying in his studio while clutching his little kumamon few months before jungkook was discovered. He had held onto yoongi and given him so much attention and care. Hoseok made sure yoongi was not revealed to anything relating to his past except for holly. Holly was connected to Yoongi's soul. He was the escape to Yoongi's problems. Holly helped yoongi forget about his pain and he was the reason why yoongi lived everyday even if it was to suffer.

Hoseok took care of every need of yoongi and gave him an emotional stability and support. Hoseok had thought that the discovery of jungkook's little side would help yoongi open up to everyone but that wasn't the case. Instead yoongi had become more insecure of himself. Worries of whatif he wasn't as cute, playful and beautiful as jungkook, had been eating yoongi since they found out jungkook was a little. But that was just the tip of the iceberg.

Yoongi would continuously think about how problematic and unbearable he would come be if he would come out. Yoongi would have lost his mind if it wasn't for hoseok's continuous support and love. He was fortunate enough to be found instead of forcing himself to be found.

Yoongi had received a lot of love and care from his boyfriends but that wasn't enough for the little him. He needed constant consolation which he couldn't get all the time. And yoongi thought it was too much of a hassle to share his problems with his beloved boyfriends. Yoongi didn't want to be the problem for his loved ones so he chose to ignore his desires and problems.

Little yoongi tightened his arms around hoseok making sure he wouldn't leave him. Hoseok just hummed in awknowledgement and cuddled yoongi closer while massaging Yoongi's scalp. The little hummed in pleasure.

"Daddy.", Yoongi called out to hoseok as he sat up only to be smooched by hoseok.

"Yes babyboy. What does my little princess want?", Hoseok said in a sing song voice as yoongi giggled playfully.

"Will the others accept me?", Yoongi's brows furrowed as he thought of possible negative outcomes.

"Of course. They would. You are too cute amd pretty not to be loved. You might think bad of yourself but all of us will love you for who you are, no matter the circumstances. You are our precious yoongi and we will love and protect you forever and ever.", Hoseok said genuinely.

Yoongi just hummed and kissed his daddy on the nose. He felt so loved at the moment. He will wait a little more before coming out. He wanted to make sure he was ready before coming out to his boyfriemds. With that deep thought he fell back into dreamless slumber as hoseok cuddled him while falling back into sleep too.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2019 ⏰

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