Chapter 3

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Jungkook woke up to a messy living room with noisy tv playing in the background along with his so called daddies passed out on the floor like starfish.

Being  a little devil he is ,Jungkook decided to fish for some candies in secret.He silently walked pass all his daddies and went to the kitchen . He walked in a slow pace being careful not to wake his daddies.

Jin had just woke up from his deep slumber to find jungkook being absent in the living room. He then figured out that Jungkook must have gone to his bedroom to sleep cozily.

Anyway ,He slowly got up and made his way to the bathroom to do his daily routine. On the other hand Jungkook had got his hands on the cookie jar and was eating his third cookie.

Jin had made his way to his beautiful pink kitchen with exclusive pink utensils ,and was shocked to see his baby boy on the floor munching on his precious cookies which he was able to hide from other members until then.

Jungkook was scared to death as he saw his daddy looking at him with frown. He was sure that his daddy will scold him or even worse give him punishments.

Jin was ready to shout at his little one but stopped when he saw Jungkook's lips trembling and soon enough he had bursted into crying which had woken the others up of course except suga.

The other members woke up after Jungkook's outburst while Jin scooped the little in his arms and was telling him sweet nothings in the ear.

Jungkook's crying had turned into now whimpers and small hiccups. All the other were wide awake now cleaning their living room so they won't get in trouble with Jin.

Jin had now calmed Jungkook down somehow when Jungkook was scooped in the hand of namjoon. Jungkook squealed in surprise while giggling which caught the attention of his caregivers.

Jin had just finished a regular American breakfast consisting of bacon ,eggs with some veggies.The members had settled down  for breakfast . All the others had started eating and Jungkook was just staring at his iron man plate .He was thinking of sneaking out of the kitchen .

Jungkook slowly sneaking out of the kitchen almost teaching his destination when he was carried by jimin .The members had finished eating and were now cleaning the kitchen.

Jimin returned with little in his arm who was sulking quietly. He then sat Jungkook in front of his now cold breakfast that was to go in the dustbin.

The members had previously discussed to make rules for the little and make him disciplined. So they told Jungkook to wait there until they came back with colorful papers and markers.

The others except Jin and jimin had gone to do their works while they stayed to make the decided rules .
At last they made rules , punishments and rewards which was of course forced by kookie to make the list long.

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