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Third person's POV

"No, no, not the cock ring please", Jungkook begged Jin so that he wouldn't have to wear the cock ring. 
"Well you could have thought that before ggukie. You will need to face this punishment."
Jin secured the cock ring around Jungkook's little cock and also cuffed his hands. On the other hands Namjoon and Yoongi were forcefully tying Taehyung with ropes so he would  not try to do anything naughty. 

"Lets begin now, shall we?", Hoseok commanded as he brought the vibrator near Jungkook's cock and teased it slowly. Jin added a gag in Jungkook's mouth. Jungkook whimpered in pleasure as Hoseok was slowing torturing him. "You shouldn't have done it with Tae without our permission baby.", Namjoon whispered into Jungkook's ear.

After lots and lots time of torturing Jungkook, Jungkook was in edge. He was whimpering and looking for a way to cum and his cock ring was stopping him from doing so. Hoseok took off the saliva covered gag off of Jungkook's mouth so he could suck him off. "Look at me, slut and suck me off", Hoseok commanded as he buried his cock deep inside Jungkook's wet cavern choking Jungkook slightly. 

Namjoon groaned on the other side of the room as he was jacking himself off along with yoongi and Jimin who were giving handjobs to eachother. Jin was sucking on Jungkook's pretty pink nipples. Jungkook had tears rolling down his face due to all the pleasure and stimulation he was getting. Jin obviously knew that his soft pink buds were his weakest and most sensitive points in his body. His spit was running down his own face. He was trying take in his daddy's dick as much as he could. Hoseok tugged on Jungkook's hair as he groaned deeply. 

"I am cumming. Swallow all of that.", Hoseok commaned tugging Jungkook's soft locks.
Jungkook nodded in embarrassment unable to open his eyes. Hoseok cummed deep inside his mouth and he swallowed it. "Open your eyes.", Hoseok commanded Jungkook. Jungkook opened his eyes looking up at his beautiful eyes. Jungkook's  tear stained face and swollen lips just looked so pretty that Hoseok couldn't do much but stare at his boyfriend lovingly. 

Namjoon, yoongi , Jimin and Jin were doing playing with themselves. They took turn in having a session with Jungkook as they didn't want to overwhelm him. They wanted to take it slow and careful taking in the fact that Jungkook is a little. Taehyung on the back of the room was watching all of this with a hard dick. He was horny and  wanted to touch his Jungkook and make him cum and all but he couldn't cause this was a part of the punishment. He wanted those sparkly eyes to look at him while he did all the thing that Hoseok was doing to Jungkook. 

"What do you want baby??", Yoongi asked as he lifted Jungkook's pretty face and stared deep into his eyes. "I want daddy's cock. Please I wanna cum.", Jungkook whined loudly looking at his daddies.

 "This is your punishment so you are not getting our dick baby. And we need to wait until you are ready.", Jimin simply replied. 

"But I wanna cumm.",Jungkook whined loudly earning a smack on the ass form Jimin. Yoongi took off the cuffs from Jungkook's hands slowly messaging it. Yoongi, Jimin and Jin washed Jungkook up but didn't let his cock ring off much to Jungkook's disgrace. 

Hoseok and Namjoon took the ropes off Taehyung's body and made him also wear a cock ring to which Taehyung protested loudly. But Taehyung could do nothing but to obey. Namjoon, Hoseok and Taehyung cleaned off together and did some office work later on. 

Later that night, they had a movie marathon watching Jungkook's  favorite movie. Jungkook and Taehyung were still sulky after having to wear the cockring and not getting to cum or whatsoever. Jungkook was glad that he was not the only one. After the long day, all of them fell asleep together. 




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