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Third person's POV

"Are you thinking what I am thinking", Taehyung yelled.
"Well, YEAH.", Everybody yelled back.

Then, the hunger games began. Everyone ran upstairs into jungkook's  room to see him bawling his eyes out. They could clearly see that jungkook was in little space.

Jin ran to his ggukie and hugged him while picking him up. Jungkook calmed now a little bit and sniffed into his daddy's shirt to calm himself. Jungkook had a nightmare and the bad thoughts were returning back to him.

"What happened, babyboy?", Jin asked while caressing his baby.
"Bad thoughts, daddy.", Jungkook mumbled softly against Jin.

Jim caressed jungkook's soft hair while baby talking with him.
"What does my babyboy want?", Jin whispered.
Jungkook blushed slightly and said, "wan' dada and bunny."

Everybody cooed at their little baby seeing how cute and adorable he was. Jungkook had regressed further into little space than most of the time. Almost into baby space because of how stressed he was.

Jungkook's tummy grumbled making him pinkish blush turn in a red blush. Jimin  handed his jungkook with his bunny stuffie. Jungkook made grabby hands at Jimin and hugged his bunny tightly while still in jin's hold.

"Gotta make a bottle for my baby boy. Namjoon, dress him up.", jin said while motioning everyone to move out of his way while handing jungkook to Namjoon.
"You could have give him to me hyung.", Taehyung and Jimin grumbled slightly.

Yoongi and Hobi had left to do other works. It looked like hobi was trying to calm yoongi and helping him with something. Yoongi looked sad and jealous maybe. Jin knew that something as surely wrong but he had to feed jungkook so he didn't really focus on it much.

Namjoon had dressed jungkook carefully without breaking him. He could have broke jungkook if it wasn't for Jimin and Taehyung's  help. Jungkook was now dressed in Namjoon's hoodie making him look so small and in shorts which were flashing Jungkook's thicc thighs. His daddies were again striken by his beauty.

"Who is my bestest babyboy?", Namjoon questioned.
"Me daddddy, mee.", Jungkook giggled and answered.
"Yes, you are my little prince.", Taehyung said while looking fondly at his boyfriends.

Everything was so unreal for them. All of them were finally together and happy as ever. They always had each other's back. Everybody was loved and cared for. All of them were as happy as they could be.

Jin returned with a warm bottle to feed his baby. Jin handed jungkook his bottle and he sucked on it fondly drinking every bit of baby formula inside it. His daddies couldn't stop thinking about what magic his tongue could do.    ;)

After the bottle of baby formula was finished, Jin wiped his baby's lips and kissed him making jungkook giggle.

"Daddy, ggukie wanna play a game.", jungkook said while he was set on floor by Namjoon.
"What do you wanna play baby boy?", Jimin asked enthusiastically.
"Catch me, daddy.", Jungkook said and dashed out of the room.

"Be careful,bubs.", Jin shouted as Jimin and Taehyung ran after their baby.
Namjoon hugged jin from behind and smiled ear to ear. "I didn't expect us to turn out like this, baby.", Namjoon said while earning a nod from jin.
"Everything happened for the good.  I am happy that we turned out like this.", Jin said honestly.

"Mom of the group deserves sone love and care." Namjoom got smacked by Jin but Jin later giggled like a school girl indicating that he wasn't angry.
Namjoon sat jin down on a bed and messaged his body. 

On the other hand jungkook was hiding in the closet while giggling to himself. Jimin and Taehyung were frantically searching for their baby. Jungkook was still hidden in the closet with his bunny which laughing and giggling playfully.

"Daddy will never be able to find kookie.", kookie laughed to himself but covered his mouth quickly realizing how loud he was. 

Taehyung and Jimin entered jungkook's room and looked around searching for their bunny. They were once again disappointed as there was no trace of their babyboy. Then, they heard a little giggle from the nearby closet.

"Shh. Jimin I can't find our babyboy.", Taehyung said while obviously pretending to not know about jungkook.
"Yeah, Tae. I can't find him either.  Let's go and search him somewhere else.", Jimin suggested.

Jungkook let his guards down and slowly opened his closet door to check if his daddies had left. Taehyung and Jimin attacked him at the same time and tickled him.

Jungkook giggled endlessly and rolling all over the floor as the tickles were too tickly but his daddies still continued on with the torture.
"Hmm. st-stoop. D-dadddies. W-will pee. Noooooo.", jungkook whined as tears pricked down his pretty face.

Taehyung and Jimin stopped ticking jungkook when they heard what he said. Jungkook looked up to them with messed up hair, tear stricken face with pretty doe eyes. He looked so sinfully pretty. His collarbone peeking out of namjoon's hoodie was enough to get them over the edge.

Taehyung and Jimin looked at their baby's fucked up state and thought all the things they could do to their little baby.

They suddenly washed away their dirty thoughts with holy water mentally when jungkook made grabby hands at them. Jimin scooped his baby leaving taehyung's mouth hanging in jealousy.

Their little fun continued until they were too tired to continue running and sprinting around the house. All three of them later fell asleep due to exhaustion in the couch in the living room. Jungkook was sandwiched between taehyung's and Jimin's warm body.
Namjoon was still messaging jin in the other room. Later, they ended up doing something more fun in the bed.

But they were all unknown to the fact that a certain someone was crying helplessly in hoseok's arms.

"Don't worry little one. You are fine.", Hoseok caressed the older male's softly while hugging him tighter.
"Mhmm. Dada.", Yoongi balled his fists into Hoseok's clothes and cried with a pained expression.
Hoseok could only watch and hug his heaving little one while he cried endless rivers of tears.


Thank you so much for more than 90k reads. I can't describe how happy I am.

Let's get this chapter to 100 likes.
Take care everybody and let's see what happens in the next chapter.

Love you all.

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