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HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY LITTLE SUNSHINE. Jungkook IS THE MOST PRECIOUS BABY BOY EVER. Jungkook deserves all the happiness in this world. My precious baby. wE DONT DESERVE HIM. 

HAPPY JK DAY                                                                                                                                                                                                      


Don't you think it is bad to play with yourself without my permission, baby boy?

Jungkook shivered slightly as he heard the deep and sexy voice of his daddy. He knew he was in trouble. After all playing without permission of one of his daddies would land him in a wonderful punishment. He may get away with some spankies and maybe timeout. After that harsh punishment Jungkook hadn't been punished for some minor or major mistakes. Well, at some point Jungkook was desperate to get punished and touched. And his try for masturbation had now surely landed with a good evil punishment from hyungs.

"Oh fuck." Jungkook cursed under his breath as he came hard just as Taehyung grabbed him. 

"Daddy." Jungkook tried to look at surprised at Taehyung. Taehyung on the other hand was grinning like a idiot on the inside. He brushed the possible grin off his face with a smirk. 

"Sowwy daddy. Kookie sowwy." Jungkook said looking around with big doe eyes and trying to act like he in in little space so he wont get punished. 

"Jungkook, I know that you are not in little space. So, drop the act." 

"But, BUT." Jungkook protested.

"You are getting a punishment, baby. Do you think I should call the hyungs and get you punished or you want to get punished by me?" Taehyung said breathing in Jungkook's ear and slowly licking his earlobe. Jungkook shivered slightly as he tried to suppressed his moan. 

"Daddy, please touch me." Jungkook begged for  his daddy's touch.                                                            "Not now baby. I thought you were getting punished so you are sucking me, first." Taehyung said as he slightly pushed Jungkook's head towards his crotch." Jungkook looked at Taehyungs growing bulge. He slowly touched Taehyungs crotch through his clothes. He got down on his knees and took Taehyungs pants and boxers off. 

Taehyung groaned as Jungkook started to play with the tip of his dick.                                                       Bucking his hips, Taehyung let out a low groan as he felt Jungkook's wet lips came in contact with his now throbbing dick. Jungkook's tongue circled his tongue around his head then teasingly flicked his slit before he finally took more of Taehyung. 

Jungkook bopped his head up and down filling the air with slurping and slick noises. Taehyung hissed as he couldn't  stay still due to the pleasure Jungkook's tongue was giving him. He gripped Jungkook's head and pushed him further into deepthroating the elder. 

A deep moan escaped Jungkook's pretty pink mouth sending chills into Taehyungs body. The latter looked down at the boy sucking him to find that he was actually touching himself with the other hand. Taehyung stopped Jungkook from touching Jungkook by slapping his naked butt. Jungkook groaned at the sting in his butt sending vibrations which was enough to send Taehyung to the edge. 

Jungkook looked so pretty. He looked cute when while Taehyung was practically fucking his mouth. Taehyung was confident that Jungkook gave the finest blowjob in the world and he would argue until he proved you wrong at that point. 

Without warning Taehyung came into Jungkook's mouth and they were so far into their own little world that they didn't even listen to faint footsteps coming their way and the soft called of Taehyung's name.

The door slowly opened to reveal a surprised Jimin and angry Yoongi flowing with anger and dominance that he couldn't have Jungkook. Taehyung stood there surprised looking at the direction of Yoongi and Jimin. Jungkook was moaning while licking the while liquid which was sour but sweet. 

"Both of you are in trouble. You guys are gonna deal with punishment. I am calling Jin. You guys are dead." Yoongi said grinning widely at Taehyung and Jungkook.


I will try to update soon.

Thanks for your love and support guys. I love you. I have been admitted at the hospital for over 3 days and didn't have anything to do. So I updated this book. I will try to update this book if I will be fine. 


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