
17K 402 94

Third persona POV
Jungkook was running around happily escaping everything on his way. His daddy was trying to find the little one but he wasn't in the mood for fun.

Actually bts owns one of the richest and well known company of the world. They also sing and rap and do modeling as their passion. Being stressed and not getting enough sleeping was messing jimins mind who was running around to catch jungkook.

Jimin was beyond angry that Jungkook hadn't listened to him. He shouted at Jungkook to stop running around but the little was to much interested to run around that he wouldnt listen to his caretaker.

After an hour for trying to catch his little one jimin was about to break down any moment.
The others had gone to take care of piles of work and it was also hard for them as well. Jungkook was tired from all the running and was currently carried by jimin at last. He knew that he was in trouble. Jungkook was known to the fact that his daddy was strict about his discipline and was beyond angry at the moment. Knowing that he would get a hard punishment ,kookie started crying with all his might.

Jimin knew what punishment to give to his little one. Jungkook had broken many rules and made daddy angry and more stressed than he already was.

He took crying Jungkook to his bed and pulled his shorts and boxers down.
Jungkook knew what was coming onto him so he was a crying mess now.

"  Now Jungkook you are getting 10 spranking for running around the house , 5 for not obeying daddy and 5 for making the house a really big mess. You should count kook and you are also gonna get an hour time out and crib arrest for the rest of the day." This is gonna be handful jimin thought.

Jimin caressed Jungkook butt and then
"One d- daddy "
"SMACK " jimin smacked harder this time and Jungkook cried out in pain.
" T- tw-two. Kookie be a good boy. Stop pwease."
"No kook. You thought that you could escape the punishment huh! Now you know not to mess with me. You don't need you count now" jimin said. He was sad that he had to punish his baby.
Jimin smacked Jungkook five times in a row.
"You are such a good boy aren't you? Just 13 time more kookie then daddy will give you kissss." He gave the crying little a small break.
Jimin smacked Jungkook's butt 7 times in a row and the littles butt had turned deep red and he really was in pain.
"Just five more smacks kookie. You are such a good boy for daddy. Aren't you?"Jimin was trying to be soft on his baby boy but he couldn't cause he needed to go hard on the crying boy to make him obey his daddies.
Jimin ended his baby's punishment with those really hard five smacks.
Jungkook was crying his eyes out at pain. His booty could be compared to a tomato now.
Jimin carefully pulled kookie onto his lap and slowly carressed his hair.
"You were such a good boy for your daddy . I am so proud of my little boy. He was so brave wasn't he?"
Jimin tried to comfort Jungkook but he was bawling his eyes out.
At last after all the crying Jungkook stopped after being tired. Jimin still knew that he had an hour timeout so he left Jungkook on the timeout chair.

"Dada no pwease jukkie be a good boy pwease. Hurts pwease dada." Jungkook managed to choke out.
"No baba you still need to finish your punishment and be in the crib until evening then we can cuddle together." Jimin said and left to clean the mess and left a crying Jungkook behind.

After an hour of cleaning the house was neat and tidy. Jimin went to keep an eye on jungkook but he was sleeping with a tear stained face.
He carefully put Jungkook in the crib and took all of his plushies out for the crib arrest.

Jungkook woke at the evening with a really sore butt and raspy voice from all the screaming and crying .
He actually fell in baby space after the heavy punishment.
Jimin saw Jungkook had woken up and was crying so he scoppped the crying baby up and put him on his lap.
"Dada hwurts" Jungkook was crying and tried to speak but only little gurgles came out.
Jimin knew that kookie was hungry so he had prepared a warm bottle beforehand and feed it to Jungkook who gladly took it.
Jimin then changed Jungkook into diapers and fresh clothes as he was in baby space.
And then both of them cuddled to sleep in jimins bedroom.

Enjoy guys.
Auther- nim

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