Chapter 3 - Guardian Angel

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This chapter contains sensitive content such as:
- mild child abuse


I woke up slowly but didn't open my eyes. I snuggled into something, it was warm and it felt like.. skin? I traced my hands along the bumps and curves and slowly opened my eyes. My cheeks went flaming hot when I realised I just caressed Jimin's abs. I looked up at him and he was still asleep, thank god. How had I gotten here? I thought about yesterday, I must have fallen asleep in the car and Jimin didn't know my address yet.

He's so sweet..

I realised that my pants were off and on the floor beside us, along with my.. bra. Surely he didn't do that. Just then I got a small glimpse of last night, just a second where I had woken up, during that second I had thought that I was in my own bed, taking off all of my uncomfortable clothing. After that I don't remember anything. I must have forced him to get into bed with me while I was half asleep because I was wrapped around him as tightly as I possibly could me. It's not the first time I'd done something like this, I used to pull Maria into bed with me while I was half asleep and awkwardly hug her like a teddy bear, but she would groan and push me away. Jimin stayed, he accepted my awkward snuggling, cute.

I stayed silent and ran my hand around his torso again, his skin was so smooth and he was still so warm. My leg moved up a bit and my foot could feel how toned his calves were. God damn this was one muscly man. As I looked up at him again I realised how handsome he looked while sleeping, so calm and peaceful as though he had no worries in the world. I hoped he didn't at least.

I sat there silently for what I assumed was another five minutes before I felt his arm wrap around my waist and his whole body turn on it's side. Both his arms held me close to him and my hands rested on his chest. I looked at him and blushed as he looked back into my eyes.

"Good morning" he smirked at me and I blushed again.

"G-good morning" I smiled at him, his raspy morning voice was the sexiest thing I had ever heard.

"How long have you been awake for?" He asked

"Only about 5 minutes" I replied.

"Mmmm~" he shuffled a bit and held me tighter, planting a kiss on my cheek. I smiled and kissed his cheek as well. He then looked into my eyes again before quickly kissing me on the lips. "What would you like for breakfast me Queen?" He smiled at me.

The heat in my cheeks remained and I couldn't form a sentence. I just stared at him in shock and admiration. "U-um" I tried to start speaking "j-just pancakes?" He kissed my nose this time.

"If that's what the lady wants. Stay right here." He got up and I watched him as he ran a hand through his hair and walked out of the room. Sexiest. Man. Alive. I swear to god I need a heart transplant, he had crushed mine to a pulp. I assumed that he went to the kitchen and my thoughts were confirmed as I heard the stove turn on. I obeyed his orders and stayed in bed, trying not to fall back asleep. I looked at my phone and it only took him about 10 minutes to come to the room with a tray filled with 2 pancakes each with toppings and a coffee each. He sat back down in bed with me and we began to eat.

This boy just served me breakfast in bed, how on earth did I find him and why is he still with me? I decided to just be grateful and accept it. I kissed his cheek "thank you Jiminie~" I smiled "these pancakes are delicious"

He gave me a tired smile "I'm glad" he sipped his coffee and after about only 5 minutes we were both done. I stared at him in admiration as he leaned against the head of the bed with his eyes closed. "I love you Jimin.." I whispered and bit my lip while still staring at him.

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