Chaoter 15 - Trouble in Paradise

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I sat at the dinner table by myself, eating my soup by myself. All of BTS was practising their new dance and I had decided to stay home. I was tired to be honest, but I didn't like eating dinner alone, at a table meant for eight people.

I was completely alone now, like my feelings had become a reality. I slowly ate my food, pitying myself, sulking. I missed Jimin. I wanted to feel his tight grip around my waist. His chest pressing against my back. His hot breath against my neck as he leaned his head closer to mine, placing a soft kiss on my cheek with his smooth, plump lips.

I closed my eyes and imagined it all happening. I dropped my spoon and took a deep breath in. It's only been a couple of hours, why did I miss him so much? I opened my eyes and sighed before continuing to eat.

I finished eating alone, cleaned up alone, and then went straight to my large, lonely bed. I laid down and groaned. I was completely still and silent for about half an hour, lost in my thoughts until I was pulled out of my trance by the merciful click of a door.

I ran over with a bright smile on my face. I said hi to everyone as they walked in, Jungkook, Tae, Hobi, Jin, Namjoon, Yoongi. I waited, I peeked my head out the door and looked around the hallway. I spun around and walked into the kitchen to find the boys helping themselves to the soup, luckily I'm already accustomed to making food for eight people.

"W-where's Jimin..?" My smiled faded as I looked at Jin with hope in my eyes.

"He's practising for a little longer, he's more dedicated than all of us." He laughed at himself and then saw my disappointed expression. "He'll be home soon don't worry" he smiled at me and I forced a smile back.

I went back to bed and sat down, sighing before lying down again. I curled up into a ball with Jimin's pillow locked in my arms. I took a deep breath in, inhaling his scent. I slowly drifted off into an uneasy slumber.

I was suddenly woken up by a pair of warm, soft lips on my cheek that I found were all to familiar. I smiled at first and turned over, sleepily opening my eyes. "J-Jimin?" I looked out the window and saw the pitch darkness outside. "What time is it?!" I sat up slightly and rubbed my stinging eyes.

"Uhh... like.. 2am" he replied with a nervous smile.

I sighed and frowned, slapping his arm before lying back down and facing away from him. He stripped down to his boxers like he does every night and then got into bed behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist. I shuffled away slightly. Why the hell was he so late?

"Y/n ah... don't be like that.. I had to practise the dance.." He said, I could tell how sad he was just from his tone of voice. What gives him the right to be sad right now?!

"Until 2am?" I mumbled in reply.

"I won't stay out that late again.. please.. all I want is to hold you while I fall-" I smacked him in the face with his own pillow. "I'm exhausted.." he said as he placed pillow under his with one hand before placing it back on me. I felt him tighten his grip around my waist, pulling me back to be firmly pressed against his chest.

I frowned and closed my eyes, imagining the same scenario from before. I shuffled a bit closer to him without even realising, so warm. I feel so safe in his arms but.. I'm angry at the same time. "This is unfair Jimin.." I stayed as still as I possibly could, resisting the urge to turn around and hug him as tight as I could.

"I'm sorry y/n.." He replied as he placed a firm kiss on my head.

I gave in to the tone of his voice. I hesitated before turning around slowly and resting my head on the pillow close to him. I looked into his eyes sadly for a moment before shuffling closer and closing my eyes. I heard him sigh as we both slowly fell asleep.

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