Chapter 12 - Moving In

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Jimins POV

"Y/n ah it's finally the end of school!! We're free! There's no more of it ever again, only University which will hopefully be actually enjoyable." I smiled brightly and wrapped my arm around y/n waist as we walked out of school together for the last time.

"Mm" She hummed in agreement But was distracted by her phone.

I peeked over her shoulder to look at her phone. Apartments? Hmm. I wonder how she would react if I asked her to move in with me and BTS. Aish Jimin slow down, you've only dated the girl for a month don't ruin it by admitting to her that you want to spend every day and every night with her.

I decided to leave her be and just continue to walk out. We both got in my car and she sighed in frustration, dropping her phone in her lap.

"What's wrong jagi? Can't find a good one?" I asked her.

"Huh? W-what do you mean?" She looked away in embarrassment. Why was she hiding it? I already knew why she wanted to move out to quickly, it's completely reasonable.

I chuckled "I'm sorry, I couldn't help but get a peek of your phone as we walked out, I saw you were looking for an apartment." I shrugged "you don't need to hide it, I understand completely."

She looked at me and then looked down, seemingly in thought. Maybe I can ask one of the guys to ask her to move in, it'll be easier for her and then if she refuses it won't make things awkward between us. I don't know.

We went back to my place and watched a movie. Y/n continued to look for apartments on her phone.

"Jagi, calm down about the apartment for a moment and just spend some time with me." I frowned slightly "if you don't want to go home at all, you can stay here until you find an apartment."

She looked up at me "Oh, n-no Jimin it's fine really I wouldn't want to bother yo-"

"Yahh don't even try to say that" I chuckled "you know that you staying with me will do everything but bother me." I smiled at her and so did she.

"Thank you Jiminie~" she hugged me tightly and my smile only grew. We continued to watch the movie until I got a text from Namjoon

N: "going out for a celebratory
    dinner tonight with everyone
    in the city, that really good
    Korean place we went to a few
    weeks ago. Bring y/n!"

                "Sounds great!" :JM

"Y/n ah~" I looked down at her, still smiling "let's go out for dinner tonight. BTS just invited me to a celebratory dinner at that really nice Korean place in the city. Specifically told me to bring you" I chuckled and she looked at me in shock.


"But the-" she was already gone "movie" I chuckled and turned off the TV, following her to the bedroom.

"Wow, I didn't realise how many nice outfits you'd left here, almost as if you planned to stay here often.." I smirked at her and she blushed, looking away in embarrassment and continuing to get ready.


Thank god for Australia's stupid weather. It's suddenly cold today so I can wear a jumper with no questions asked.

I quickly changed into a white, oversized jumper that had large, pink, velvet striped wrapped around the arms that Jimin had bought online for me. I've been obsessed with it ever since, somehow he knew I would love it. I tucked it into my light blue ripped jeans and put on 2 gold necklaces, one shorter than the other. I put on a matching pair of earrings and then did my makeup. I put on my white converse with a pair of socks with one single sunflower on the ankles. I grabbed my phone and wallet and then walked out of the room.

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