Authers Note - Sorry

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Hey guys sooooo I thought I should just say a quick thing and explain why I've started updating to freaking late all the time lol.

I've kind of lost motivation in writing this book, I've run out of ideas and it doesn't have a real story line, it never really did honestly.

I have another idea and I think I'm going to write a mini-series about it simply because I'm not creative enough to write more than 10 chapters clearly lmao.

That's all I really wanted to say, I'll be wrapping this one up somehow, it'll probably just end like every other chapter lol and that'll be it.

I think I'll write as much as I can of the one fanfic and then upload it all at once, so of course it probably won't be coming out very soon.

School is also starting in like 1 week after this one ends so that'll hold back my writing a bit, I promise I'm going to try and do better with this one, I've come up with an actual plot line lmao

I do of course still have that one week of basically completely free time, so I'll try writing then.

I feel like if I write it all at once then I won't let everyone down by eventually running out of ideas and having to stop it.

It'll also be a short book so I don't feel pressured to write to much. The miraculous pressure I felt write as much as other authors was crazy lol idek where it came from.

Ig this one was kind of just to satisfy my imagination because I love the fluff so much lmao.

So that's it, I'm really sorry if you thought this was going well, or that it was going somewhere, but I really just can't write it anymore.

I feel like I'm being rude by forcing out chapters and not putting as much effort into them as I should be, I'm just not feeling it anymore sorry guys.

Now I have one more thing, a vote

Which one should I write first:

- Jimin (Vampire) x Reader (human)
- Jimin (Gang Leader) x Reader (Prisoner)

Thanks for reading this and this book in general ❤️❤️❤️🙆🏻

Hey at least I'm going to try again, hopefully it works out this time 🤷🏻‍♀️❤️

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