Chapter 5 - Free Day

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This chapter contains:
- racism
- sexual activity


My temperature sure wasn't going down. I stayed in Jimin's lap with his arms now firmly wrapped around my waist. I was blushing witch only made the heat worse. His head was on my shoulder and we continued to sit in a peaceful silence as we watched the show.

Jimin shot me the occasional question of what a few words and phrases meant, I guess he wasn't as fluent in English as I thought was but I was happy to help.

"Y/n ahh" he said cutely.

"Mm?" I looked at him.

"What's a eenkistion mean?" He looked at the TV confused as I clicked on the 11th episode.

I giggled "do you mean Inquisition?"

"Yeah that one. Don't laugh at me" he mumbled and pouted

"Hmm, well I guess it's like an interrogation sort of? The dictionary describes it as a long period of time of intense questioning. In this show though I think it's kind of like a witch hunt. In this context it's most likely that Christian tribunal that Pope Gregory IX established in 1232 for the suppression of heresy." I tried to explain but he just looked at me dreamily "Jimin?"

"Wow, my jagi is so smart~" he said. I blushed and rolled my eyes.

"Yahh, just watch the show si- jagi? What does that mean?" I looked at him confused.

"Ahah! Finally I know something you don't" He snickered and I just scoffed "it's basically like the Korean way to say sweetie, babe or honey I guess. Just a pet name that couples in Korea use."

My blush only intensified "oh" I looked back at the show and heard him chuckle again. I felt his soft plump, lips press against my cheek lightly. He makes me smile so much that my cheeks hurt.

The episode ended and Jimin stretched behind me. "Mmm maybe we should do something else we've already watched 11 episodes."

"Nah nah nah, we've only watched 5 remember? You'd already seen the first 6 and had just forgotten" I shrugged "but I guess you're right, I'm getting hungry again already" I chuckled.

"C'mon, lets go out for lunch" he gave me an eye smile and I stood up. I grabbed his hands and pulled him up as well, taking him upstairs so we could get changed.

He quickly pulled his shirt off and without realising I let out a small gasp "woh.." he looked back at me and blushed.

"W-what?" He tried to look at his back to see if anything was there.

"I-I uh, n-nothing it's nothing everything fine" I laughed nervously, grabbed an outfit and ran to the bathroom, shutting the door behind me. I leaned against it and smiled slightly "damn my boyfriend is hot" I laughed at myself and started to get changed.

I came out and saw that he still hadn't put a shirt on "AH! Jimin! Why aren't you ready?" I blushed and looked down. He just smirked and walked over to me, crossing his arms as he stood close to me. Shit. That just made his arms look better.

"Hmm, what's wrong jagi?" He put his hands on my waist "you look cute, you dressing up for me?" He chuckled.

"Yaaaah Jimin stop embarrassing meee" I hit his chest and my hand just stayed there. I bit my lip as I scanned his torso, his tan, soft skin and perfect abs. He's spent a lot of time on his figure but I'm definitely not disappointed. I heard him chuckle again "Jimin put a shirt on" I pushed him away I went to put my shoes on "you gonna gimme a heart attack boy" I smiled slightly.

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