Chapter 9 - Dubbo Zoo Finale

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This chapter contains:
- sexual intercourse


I woke up and sat up straight away, stretching and smiling. I sighed, last day in Dubbo, it went by so quickly. I felt a warm hand slide up my back under my shirt and it sent shivers up my spine.

"Mmmm jagi come baaaack. Don't get up yet it's still early." I heard Jimin whine behind me.

I leaned over him on my elbow and kissed him slowly. I pulled away but our faces remained only inches apart.

"I need to have a shower, after last night.." I blushed and looked away while smiling "I don't think I've fully recovered."

I got up out of bed and stumbled a bit "nope, my legs still feel like jelly." I chuckled and grabbed his hand "Jimin ahhhhhh" I pulled his arm "Come have a shower with meeeeee~"

I smiled innocently and Jimin got up with a groan. We stripped and then got into the warm shower together. We both wrapped our arms around each other and stayed still in a comfortable silence for a bit.

He washed my hair again and I faced away from him as he washed the shampoo out. He ringed my hair out and put it to one side, kissing the other side of my neck and warm water ran down our bodies. I turned around and kissed his plump, soft lips.

I rested my head on his chest with my eyes closed as he washed his own hair. I wiped the water from my eyes and a light pink spread across my cheeks as I caught the view, it reminded me of last night and that only made me blush more.

He turned off the shower and stepped out. Before I got the chance, Jimin grabbed my towel and softly dried my body for me. He then wrapped the towel around my abdomen, securing it and then wrapping his arms around my waist and hugging me from behind tightly. He kissed my neck again then let me go to go dry himself off. He ran his hand through his hair and then wrapped a towel around his waist.

*at breakfast*

We all sat down for breakfast and I leaned against Jimin's shoulder.

"So, about last night.." Namjoon looked at me seriously.

"W-what about it?" I blushed slightly and tried to act clueless.

"Did he hurt you?" Namjoon replied "apparently he's a bit rough" I went bright red and looked at Jimin who looked completely embarrassed.

"Didn't sound like pain to me!" Jungkook laughed and so did J-Hope.

"YAH! Guys come on..." Jimin said and looked at Jungkook angrily.

I looked at Tae subtly and saw that he was eating his food in silence. I decided to do the same until Namjoon asked again

"So?! Did he?" He pressed.

"No! Of course not.." I blushed and looked down in embarrassment.

"Good." Namjoon concluded.

"She was on top actually." Jimin looked at me and smirked.

"WHAT?! Jimin on the bottom?! That's new." Explained Suga, most excited I've seen him this entire trip.

I pouted "Jimin please... why do you do this to me" I dropped my cutlery and covered my face with my hands. Jimin just shrugged.

"I was being gentlemanly!" He whispered loudly "it was her first tiiiiime."

"Ohhhhhh" everyone said.

Jimin put his arm around my waist and kissed my head, whispering in my ear "don't worry jagi I'll show you next time" he smirked and I hit his chest as he laughed.

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