Chapter 4 - Heat

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This story contains sensitive content such as:
- sexual actions



I wake up and instantly remember the night before. Jimin... my guardian angel... how did I meet such a perfect man.

I smiled with my eyes still closed, shuffling a bit and expecting to hug Jimin tighter, but he wasn't there.

My eyes shoot open and I sit bolt up right, looking around nervously. I looked at the time, 9am, dad's already at work, did Jimin leave?! Did my dad see us?!

I get up, not even thinking about the fact that I'm only wearing Jimin's shirt and underwear. I run out of my door.

"JIMIN?!" I shout and run to the stair case "JIMIN-AH" I shout again

I run downstairs and stop suddenly, looking in surprise and embarrassment as I see my guardian angel cooking a fresh batch of pancakes in my kitchen.

"J-Jimin ah what are you doing? I thought that you had left me, or.. or..." I pouted and didn't even want to voice my next thought. He looked at me with his amazing eye smile and I tried to keep my cute-angry charade.

"Ahh y/n you're so cute, come here, I'm just making pancakes. Aish as if I would leave you like that, I'm offended you would even think that." He snickered and beckoned me over with his hand.  I couldn't help but obey, his shirt was on me and he was only in a pair of shorts that were shorter than usual for your regular boy. I'd be kidding myself if I said he didn't look good though, damn his thighs, damn his everything.

I walked up beside him and wrapped my arms around his waist and leaned my head on his shoulder. He wrapped one arm around my waist, using the other to flip the pancake in the pan. He kissed my head, this is exactly like a cliche movie, exactly what every basic girl dreams of. I didn't dream of it before, but now that I've experienced it I completely understand the thirst for it.

"Hmm, you like pancakes right?" He asked me and I admired his lips as he softly bit his bottom one.

"Um, of course, who doesn't like pancakes" I scoffed.

"Touche" he smiled and so did I.


Fuck she's so cute. My heart hurts. I hold her tightly to my side, I still feel this urgent need to protect her even though her father and mother have gone to work for the next three days. I look down at her as I place two pancakes on each of our plates. I frown a bit when I notice the slight bluish-purple discolouration in her cheek and around her eye, a bruise, the bastard struck her hard enough to give her a bruise.

"Y/n ah" I stood in front of her and put my hands on her cheeks, brushing my hand over her bruise. She flinched. "Are you ok?" I frowned

"Mhm, of course I am what do you mean?" She looked at me confused.

"Your cheek!" I pouted slightly

"Yah?! What's wrong with my cheek?!" She touched it and winced again "ow.." she whispered

"Mm, it's bruised.." I put my hands on her waist and kept her close.

She looked down "i-I'm sorry, don't look I'll go put makeup on."

"What? No don't be silly, you don't need makeup." I slid my hands around to her back so I was hugging her properly, she looked back up at me with a light pink spread across her cheeks that I couldn't help but smile over.

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