Chapter 6 - Truth or Dare?

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Jimin POV

I loaded our bags into the back of Jins huge 8 seater van. Where did he get this thing? Why did he get this thing?

"Jin why do you even have this van?" I looked at him curiously.

"Uhhh, for you guys obviously" he scoffed as if I should have just naturally known that.

I shrugged and finished loading the bags in. We got in the car and I sat next to y/n of course. She grabbed my hand and leaned her head on my shoulder with her eyes closed. Cutie~ I wore her out. I smirked and looked out the window as we left. I'm glad I can take y/n away from this horrible city for a while.

"Jiminnnn, what're you smirking about?" Namjoon looked at me suspiciously "what did you do to our poor y/n ah"

I shot him a shit eating grin and wiggled my eyebrows.

"AH JIMIN. I did not want to think about that!" He replied.

"Then why did you ask!" I scoffed and Jungkook did the same.

"Ah, maknae, you need to learn to be your own man, stop copying me." I chuckled. Y/n shuffled a bit and I looked down at her. She really is beautiful, I hope she knows that.

The whole 3 hour car ride was just Tae and Kookie singing loudly, Namjoon occasionally joining in with J-hope dancing. Jin just steered calmly and y/n and Suga just slept.

Once we arrived, everyone woke up and got out of the car. Everyone gasped at the sight of the place, it was huge, beautiful and lush.

We went to our room and y/n started to unpack. I did the same. I looked back at her and saw her trying to sneakily pack something away into a draw.

"Jagi? What are you hiding?" I smirked and crept over to her, wrapping my arms around her waist and and leaning my head on her shoulder. I blushed brightly as I noticed what she was failing to hide.

"Mmm jagi what'd you bring this for?" I smirked and lifted up a small piece of lacey underwear. "What is this even meant to cover?" I chuckled and she look down in embarrassment. "Are you planning to seduce me? Do you have a matching bra?" I peeked behind her and saw the match, I put the underwear back in her bag then grabbed my chest on the left side.

"Ah, jagi you make my heart hurt, to cute to cute." I put my hands on her waist and held her close. I leaned down and kissed her neck before whispering in her ear "I can't wait to see you in it.."

I went back to unpacking and we finished quickly. We got changed into more formal attire and walked out. The boys had already booked an eight seated golf cart for us all. Y/n and I sat at the back as we set off to go have dinner.


Since we had arrived there at 8 and now it was 8:30pm so we decided to go out for dinner and start exploring tomorrow.

We arrived at the restaurant and sat down, Jin had booked a different restaurant for every night at the same time. So organised!

We sat down, ordered a shit ton of food and then discussed our plans for the next 4 days. We had a map and a notebook. We would split the Zoo into 4 sections, carefully checking all the times and distances until we evenly planned out all the places we wanted to go and events we wanted to watch.

By the time our food came we had it all figured out and were all starving. Everyone dug into their food, they were all very messy eaters but of course I didn't mind. I just watched and laughed as they all dared each other to do silly things. Jungkook dared Jin to eat a whole clump of wasabi, he almost chocked. Jin then dared V to fit 10 pieces of beef from the Beef Bulgogi in his mouth and to no ones surprise, he succeeded with ease.

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