Chapter 18 - Surprises

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I was ubruptly woken up by the sound of Jimin yelling my name. My eyes slowly opened, and through my blurry, morning vision I could see him rushing around the room without a shirt on. I looked at the time, 7am?! I groaned and sat up, rubbing me eyes in an attempt to clear them.

"Yahhh Jimiiiin~ what're you doing? Why're you waking me up this early." I pouted and sighed, my hands flopping back down onto the bed next to me.

"Don't you remember? You're coming with me to rehearsal today and then we're going to the ya- uh.. that thing, the surprise.. Now where's my shirt and my keys?" He said as he rushed around frantically searching.

I giggled and took a brief look around the room. "Your keys are right there pabo." I pointed to them on the beside table "and I'm wearing your shirt, find a different one I want to wear it" I laughed and he just shook his head with a smile.

"But, I already chose an outfit for youuu... I got everything ready for you so you could sleep as long as possible" he chuckled.

"Okayyyy fiiine" I smirked for a second and got out of bed, looking at the outfit. "Oh there's two ??"

"One for day and one for tonight" he waited impatiently behind me for his shirt.

"Mk" I shrugged and pulled the shirt off, not having anything on underneath.

I turned around and handed him the shirt with a smile. His face was bright red, I put my hands on his cheeks "hmmm, you're real hot Jimin" I leaned in and smirked "is everything ok?"

I walked over to my drawer to put on a bra. I got dressed into the outfit he chose.

"Aww you look so cute~" he walked up behind me after I was finished getting ready. His hands crept around my sides as I finished my makeup and he held me tightly, staring into my eyes in the mirror.

We stood still for a moment, before he broke the silence "Ok come on, we should get going." He slapped my butt and grabbed my hand as he walked out of the room.

Jimin's POV

*at the rehearsal*

I parked the car and got out, grabbing her hand tightly again as we walked into the building with the rest of BTS. I just wanted to stop wherever I was and hug and kiss her for as long and as tightly as I could. I didn't care who saw, I just wanted to hold her, protect her, and make sure that she knew she was loved. I didn't want the horrible words of her own father to get to her, I had to replace them with my own words.

I only just realised that I had been staring at her the entire time we were walking, lost in thought. I was snapped out of my trance when I tripped on a step. I stumble and y/n looked at me.

"Aish pabo watch where you're going!" She grabbed my arm tightly when I stumbled.

I blushed a bit and kept looking at her "r-right.." I looked forward again and walked up the stairs properly.

Once we got to the practise room, we got straight to work. We rehearsed dance after dance, J-hope and I often helped Jin, Yoongi and Namjoon with some of the difficult parts of the choreography. We practised every song from the wings tour performance, and we sat in a circle a few times to practise our singing.

We danced and sang at the same time, just danced, and just sang. Practising everything over and over. At about midday we sat down to take a break.

"I'm just going to the bathroom real quick" y/n took my water bottle and towel for me as I left.

When I got back, I saw y/n sitting on the floor with Jin. She was leaning on him and laughing. I felt my blood start to boil as I walked over, my expression was stern and hard, at least until she smiled at me. Then it softened and I suddenly felt more sad than angry. She stood up and handed me my water bottle and towel.

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