Chapter 19 - END

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Jimin's POV

Skin. Heat. Pleasure. Her. My mind was blank, numb to her touch. Her legs wrapped around my waist, and her nails digging into my back as I moved. Her moans filled my ears, she was all I could think about. I watched her expressions of pure bliss, breathlessness.

I moved quickly, unable to control myself. She'd made me crazy, her love was the drug I would do anything to obtain. Only moments later she had flipped herself over, shoving her hips into the air and looking back at me. With the simple look I could see her yearning for me.

I'd turned such an innocent, sweet girl, into a lust driven woman. I quickly obeyed her, allowing myself to loose control once more. Her loud moan of pleasure only intoxicated me more, soothing my cravings. I saw her grab her hair and tug it a bit, it was as if she was asking me to be rough, asking me to release the hormonal beast that I so desperately tried to hold back.

I replaced her hand with mine, gripping her hair and tugging for a moment, I heard her moan and saw her smirk. I leaned over her, my mouth near her ear. I panted heavily as I felt myself get nearer to my climax, I could feel that she was also.

In a hot mess of sweat, bedsheets and loud voices, we climaxed at the same time. My body relaxed onto the bed, completely worn out by the intense amount of pleasure she'd allowed me to have. She laid down next to me, I looked at her and saw how tired she was, I knew it was time to sleep, but I had made her weak. I helped her into bed under the covers and then followed. She wrapped her arms around me, loosely due to her lack of strength and energy, and she quickly fell asleep in my arms.

I smiled and kissed her head before easily falling asleep as well.

*the next morning*

I heard a loud bagging on our cabin door, and then Namjoon's deep, booming voice, yelling at us to wake up. I woke up y/n and we both got dressed. I simply put on my board shorts and she put on a bikini with of my sheer button up shirts over the top. We walked out and sat down with the others for breakfast.

"Did anyone else hear the screaming last night?" Started Jungkook with a smirk on his face. Shit. I knew this would happen.

"I thought the boat was sinking!!" Complained Jin.

"I wish I had Jimin's stamina Jesus Christ..." Suga said with a pout.

Everyone laughed and y/n his he face, eating in silence.

"Oh shut up, you're all just jealous because it was me instead of you!" I laughed along with everyone and received a hit on the arm from
y/n. I could see her trying to hold back her laughter though.

Namjoon stood up abruptly "hurry up, because I'm going swimming" he ran off and cannon balled into the ocean. Everyone cheered for him.

Jungkook and V and J-Hope followed. Suga seemed to tired and Jin was still eating. I finished eating before y/n and waited for her.

"Why aren't you swimming?" She looked up at me.

"I'm waiting for you" I replied.

"Psh, go on, I won't be long" she smiled and pushed me out of my seat.

I ran off and did a flip off of the boat, earning many cheers and applauds from everyone.


I giggled and clapped as Jimin did his flip, what a show off. I continued to eat, even Jin finished before me. There was so much food that it seemed a waste not to eat as much as I possibly could.

Yoongi was still at the table, he looked out at the members before looking down with a large sigh.

"What's wrong?" I looked at him.

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